ALEXANDRIA, VA - A Media Research Center analysis of how NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN are covering the endless polling regarding the debt ceiling debate finds that the networks are ignoring the public's opposition to an increased debt ceiling – even when it's documented by their own polls.
CBS's poll showed that 49% of the public opposes raising the debt ceiling, and NBC's poll showed 43%. But neither network reported these findings. ABC neither asked this question nor reported on the public opinion of raising the debt ceiling, instead focusing their coverage on blaming Republicans for potential economic trouble.
CNN on-air hosts talk endlessly about their polls. Incredibly they adamantly refused to report their own polling which finds 66% of Americans support the House GOP's 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan and that 74% support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell responds:
'The media's unwillingness to release all the facts concerning this issue is nothing short of censorship. In their enthusiasm as cheerleaders for this President, the media are deliberately hiding and distorting the truth to further their own ideologically driven, leftist agenda.
'These so-called 'news' outlets are ignoring the voice of the American people.
'It is a tragedy that we even have to demand this: Tell the truth, the whole truth. Report the news.'