Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Tuesday condemned the weak and “dishonest” apology from CNN’s Reza Aslan. Outrage has grown in the wake of the host calling Donald Trump a “piece of shit” on Twitter. Bozell issued the following statement, as well as an open letter to the president of CNN:
“Reza Aslan’s apology was not only insincere, but dishonest. His vulgar remarks towards President Trump this past weekend were only a few of the many hateful comments he has made about conservatives. CNN has yet to respond in any fashion to the backlash over Mr. Aslan’s insults. Allowing Aslan to continue to have any association with the network is not only embarrassing to CNN, but insulting to their viewers. We are issuing the following open letter to CNN President Jeff Zucker demanding they sever any and all ties with Reza Aslan and apologize for the disgrace he has brought to the network. As mentioned in the letter, CNN was decisive in ending ties with Kathy Griffin; it would naturally follow the network should do the same with Mr. Aslan.”