Rasmussen poll has determined that "this year by a nearly
five-to-one margin voters believe they are trying to help Barack
Obama." Specifically, "50 percent of voters think most reporters
are trying to help Obama win versus 11 percent who believe they are
trying to help his Republican opponent John McCain."
Even among Democrats, more think journalists are aiding Democrat
Obama than Republican McCain: "19 percent of Democrats agree, one
percentage point higher than the number of Democrats who believe
they are trying to help McCain."
Most telling, "Unaffiliated voters by a 53 percent to 10 percent
margin see reporters trying to help Obama."
This just one week after a Rasmussen Reports survey discovered that
by a ten-to-one margin the public believes the media are
trying to hurt Sarah Palin.
MRC President L. Brent Bozell, III:
"The liberal press is out of control in its partisanship. Overwhelmingly the American people know just how over the top they are in their blatant bias towards Sen. Barack Obama.
"The jig is up for the liberal 'news' media. Last week, the American people overwhelmingly vilified them for their blatant bias against Gov. Sarah Palin. And now 83% of their audience says they are openly and unashamedly trying to help elect Sen. Obama.
"But the liberal 'news' media show absolutely no signs of changing their tune. They continue charging forward in full-throated support of Sen. Obama. Their sour notes are striking the wrong chord with an ever-increasing number of Americans."
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.