MRC President Brent Bozell Praises CNN’s Anderson Cooper as Debate Moderator

RESTON, VA: Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement praising CNN’s Anderson Cooper who moderated last night’s first Democrat debate.

“During last night's Democratic debate, Anderson Cooper in large measure did exactly what a debate moderator is supposed to do. He asked tough, probing questions of all the candidates. Better yet, he did what most moderators won't do: when given an evasive or untrue answer, he pounced in a follow-up question, exposing the evasion or untruth. It was a breath of fresh air to see such professionalism. Give him an A- for a job well done.

“If I had one criticism about the debate’s moderators last night, it was that Cooper pushed the left's climate change agenda in his question on the subject, and Juan Carlos Lopez did the same with his, advancing the 'pathway to citizenship' agenda in his question. That was pretty much it."