WashPost Touts Dem 'Strike Team' Pushing Immigration Propaganda to Press

In an article for The Washington Post on Thursday, congressional reporter Ed O'Keefe highlighted Democratic efforts to assemble an "Immigration Strike Team" to provide "a rapid response force to counter whatever Republicans do or say about immigration reform in the coming months."

The "goal" of the PR effort, O'Keefe reported, "is to ensure that lawmakers and administration officials are more closely coordinating talking points and media appearances and using all outlets at their disposal to highlight incendiary comments or controversial legislation introduced by Republicans." In other words, to make sure that the media keep pushing liberal spin on the topic and bash Republicans who disagree.

On Tuesday's Tonight Show, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams needed no encouragement to provide the DNC line on immigration.  
O'Keefe declared: "The move comes as the GOP scrambles to avoid another government shutdown while also finding a way to respond to President Obama's decision to change the nation's immigration policy through executive action."

The article particularly emphasized: "The new strike team project will be bilingual, ensuring that Democrats continue to use their connections to Spanish-media outlets like Univision, Telemundo and popular radio stations in several states to spread their message..."

As MRC Latino's Ken Oliver-Mendez reported, Telemundo immediately cheered the President using his executive action to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrant without congressional approval.

Wrapping up the Post piece, O'Keefe revealed the group's first media push: "Up first: The group plans to build interest and attention for a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for next week that will explore what Democrats believe are the benefits of Obama's decision to take executive action."

Will journalists now simply repeat the talking points provided to them by the Democratic Party or will they actually make an effort to challenge the propaganda?