'Time' Touts 'Advocate and Agitator' Jorge Ramos as 'America's Anchor'

In the December 1 issue of Time magazine, reporter Michael Scherer promoted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos as "America's news anchor." Scherer allowed that the host "is not just a newscaster but also an advocate and agitator." Yet, his 2410 word story hyped this decidedly liberal style.  

In the article, readers learn that Ramos wears blue jeans and that the Spanish-language journalist is "a trim 56-year-old in a skinny tie and no camera makeup." Scherer discussed Ramos's determination to force pro-amnesty opinion into his reporting, marveling, "No other news anchor in America, save perhaps news comedians like Jon Stewart, would talk like this, nakedly championing the interests of an audience on an issue that divides the country." 

The headline cheered, "Jorge Ramos Is América’s News Anchor."

Scherer recounts Ramos's liberal agitation to get Barack Obama to commit to amnesty. He allows a brief criticism: 

For Republicans, his approach, which slants left on the issues, is an unjust outrage. Al Cardenas, a former chair of the Florida Republican Party, has compared Univision’s editorial approach to “a plantation mentality,” the crooked assumption that the Latino community is monolithic on issues like immigration. (In a recent national poll by Latino Decisions, 1 in 4 U.S. Latinos approved of Republicans’ handling of immigration policy in Congress.)  

Though the Time reporter questions Ramos on speaking at a Democratic-sponsored event, he let Ramos get away with this assertion: "The most important thing is not to be partisan.”

In a moment of candor, Ramos equivocated, "I have to admit that with the political positions I have been taking lately, obviously I am running the risk of losing credibility. But at the same time, that’s our power." 

Scherer qualified, "But Ramos never wanted to be Walter Cronkite or Peter Jennings."

Recent Ramos segments have included taking potshots at Christianity and supporting gun control. He certainly sounds like liberal hosts of the past.