Nets Predicted Republican Doom With Hispanics, Yawn at GOP Surge

For years, liberal journalists have been predicting Republican doom with Hispanics, declaring that rage from the growing ethnic population would result in a permanent GOP minority. NBC's Matt Lauer, for instance, wondered if the severe "damage" could be repaired. Yet, the Republican landslide on Tuesday was powered, in part, by a strong showing with Latinos. So far, this has been ignored by ABC, CBS and NBC. 

In Texas, Republican Greg Abbott's aggressive outreach resulted in a strong 44 percent showing with Hispanics. The New York Times on Thursday described the impressive result in another competitive state: "In Kansas, Gov. Sam Brownback, a conservative Republican who had been under fire even from some in his own party for sharp tax cuts, received 47 percent of the Latino vote, while his Democratic challenger, Paul Davis, won 46 percent." 

In the Georgia gubernatorial race, Republican Nathan Deal earned 47 percent of the Hispanic vote.  Based on past statements, these developments come, apparently, as a shock to many in the media. 

On July 1, 2014, Chuck Todd hyperventilated over problems facing the GOP. He insisted that Republicans are "in the worst political box I've ever seen" and added, "If they don't [pass immigration reform], it will probably cost them the presidential election, if not in ‘16–not just in '16 but perhaps 2020 and 2024." 

On March 6, 2013, Matt Lauer talked to Jeb Bush and offered his concern: "Is this damage that was caused and has been inflicted, whether self or not, something that can be repaired in time for 2016?" 

On October 24, 2011, NPR's Carrie Kahn decried the "rough" language from Republicans and worried that "the harsh talk is making it difficult to recruit new Latino voters."

Appearing on Fox News, Friday, Hispanic market expert Lili Gil Valletta described Governor-elect Abbott's successful operation:

PETER JOHNSON JR.: Let's look at Texas which is an exciting race for the G.O.P. In that governor's race, Greg Abbott received 44 percent of the Hispanic vote, according to a Fox News exit poll. A tremendous showing in terms of the Hispanic community. 

LILI GIL VALETTA: So there is different things that play with Greg Abbott and the way he ran his campaign. There were people deployed in the state to do Hispanic outreach. There was well over $3 million of advertising in Spanish language. And what a lot of people don't know either is he's actually married to an Hispanic. Cecilia, his wife is becoming the first Hispanic first lady in history.

[MP3 audio here.] In the House races, Republicans scored big gains with another group. The GOP won 50 percent of the Asian vote, compared to 49 percent for Democrats. 

Considering the hyperbolic talk from some journalists about the coming demographic destruction of the Republican Party, it seems only fair to cover the Republican surge with Hispanics.