PBS Journalist: GOP Midterm Victories Mean Americans Have ‘Turned Their Backs on the Planet’

The latest in the annals of hyperventilating, far-left, excessive environmental panic turned into personal demonization. When results came in Tuesday night which put Republicans into the majority in the Senate, “Americans had turned their backs on the planet,” Dan Kennedy claimed in a Wednesday post on the WGBH News site.

In the piece on the site run by Boston’s PBS station, headlined, “Why The Midterms Could Prove To Be A Disaster for The Planet,” Kennedy, an associate professor of journalism at Northeastern University (which explains a lot about the liberal assumptions held by so many journalists), fretted: “By handing over the Senate to Mitch McConnell and his merry band of Republicans, voters all but ensured that no progress will be made on climate change during the next two years.”

Kennedy, a regular on WGBH-TV’s Friday night Beat the Press show, and a long-time reporter for the now defunct Boston Phoenix, despaired (actually was Monday’s, not Tuesday’s, CBS newscast):

Tuesday’s broadcast of the CBS Evening News began on a portentous note. “Good evening,” said anchor Scott Pelley. “Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, higher temperatures. If you think someone’s trying to tell us something, someone just did.”

Pelley’s introduction was followed by a report on the latest study by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. According to the Washington Post, the panel found that global warming is now “irreversible,” and that drastic steps must be taken to reduce the use of fossil fuels in order to prevent worst-case scenarios from becoming a reality.

No matter. Before the night was over, Americans had turned their backs on the planet. By handing over the Senate to Mitch McConnell and his merry band of Republicans, voters all but ensured that no progress will be made on climate change during the next two years — and that even some tenuous steps in the right direction may be reversed....