MSNBC Producer, Local Journalists Disgusted By GOP Woman's Victory

TVNewser's Mark Joyella spotlighted in a Wednesday post how MSNBC managing editor Ilyas Kirmani, the former executive producer for Tamron Hall's NewsNation program, reacted with disgust to the reelection of the Sunshine State's attorney general, Republican Pam Bondi. Kirmani posted the word, "Gross," on a Facebook thread started by Miguel Fernandez, an executive producer at CBS's Miami affiliate, WFOR.

Fernandez expressed his own dismay in a single word on the lead comment on the thread: "ugh! TALLAHASSEE Fla. (AP) – Republican incumbent Pam Bondi re-elected as Florida's attorney general". A colleague of the executive producer at WFOR, entertainment reporter Lisa Petrillo, followed Kirmani's lead by writing, "Yuck."

Despite this strong reaction, Petrillo lamented about the election in general in a Monday post on Twitter: "As #Election2014 approaches all I can think of is how unexcited I am about the candidates. #FloridaBallot."

The liberal journalists could be responding to the fact the Bondi ran on a social conservative platform. Allison Neilsen of Sunshine State News pointed out in her Tuesday article about the Republican's victory that her opponent, Democrat George Sheldon, "vehemently opposed Florida's same-sex marriage ban, while Bondi vowed to defend the ban." She continued that "Bondi, who served as a prosecutor before making a run for AG, also came out heavily against the legalization of medical marijuana."

Neilsen also noted in her write-up that "the New York Times shone a light on Bondi in a story about lobbyists targeting state attorneys general."