NBC: Watch Jon Stewart Call Chris Christie A D**k!

On Thursday's NBC Today, while scolding New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for his handling of a heckler, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declared: "Christie's week has been a lot like a series of battle rounds, from tangling with nurse Kaci Hickox over [Ebola] quarantine conditions....to the verbal towel snap Christie delivered in a live Today interview when Matt referred to the nurse's lawyer as talented....to federal health officials who loudly criticized his rules but recommended their own."

O'Donnell then touted a profane attack from the media's favorite liberal host: "Add the latest pop culture judgment from Jon Stewart." A soundbite played of Stewart ranting: "Why does Christie have to be such a d**k about everything?"

Introducing O'Donnell's report, co-host Matt Lauer asserted: "New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie has been front and center in that [Ebola quarantine] controversy. And he finds himself in another one this morning. It's over the way he handled a heckler at an event marking the second anniversary of Superstorm Sandy."

O'Donnell promoted how the protester "picked his spot for full effect" at the event and "barked back at the New Jersey Governor over the pace of Hurricane Sandy relief." She then observed: "When he would not relent, Christie's fuse ignited."

The coverage never mentioned that the heckler, Jim Keady, was a former Democratic city councilman in Asbury Park and liberal blogger for the Huffington Post. Also, NBC used video of the incident provided by the liberal PAC American Bridge 21st Century.

Hinting that Christie's response would turn off voters nationally, O'Donnell asked: "That crowd in New Jersey applauded and cheered, but how will his leadership style play around the country?"

Anchor Brian Williams opened Wednesday's NBC Nightly News by portraying the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate as unhinged: "Losing his temper. Chris Christie flies off the handle at a protester at the Jersey Shore on this second anniversary of Superstorm Sandy."

On Thursday, both CBS This Morning and ABC's Good Morning America similarly seized on Christie confrontation with Keady, whom none of the morning shows identified as a liberal activist.


Here is a full transcript of the October 30 segment on Today:


MATT LAUER: Christie's clash. New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie puts a heckler in his place.

CHRIS CHRISTIE: If you want to have the conversation later, I'm happy to have it, buddy. But until that time, sit down and shut up!

LAUER: But was it appropriate?


MATT LAUER: New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie has been front and center in that [Ebola quarantine] controversy. And he finds himself in another one this morning. It's over the way he handled a heckler at an event marking the second anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. NBC's Kelly O'Donnell has more on that. Kelly, good morning to you.

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Classic Christie Confrontation; NJ Gov. Tells Heckler "Sit Down & Shut Up"]

KELLY O'DONNELL: Good morning, Matt. Never shy, Governor Chris Christie relishes his tell-it-like-it-is reputation that he does not back away from a fight. And he's been in the middle of it this week, from Ebola politics to the national campaign trail to a special event in New Jersey that got very loud.

CHRIS CHRISTIE: I got the picture. I read it, okay? So-

[MAN HOLDING UP PROTEST SIGN: Get Sandy Families Back In Their Homes; Finish the Job]

O'DONNELL: That sign could have read, "trouble." A heckler who picked his spot for full effect.

[OTHER SIDE OF THE SIGN: Stay in NJ & Finish the Job]

CHRISTIE: Somebody like you doesn't know a damn thing about what you're talking about. Except to stand up and show off when the cameras are here. I've been here when the cameras aren't here, buddy, and done the work!

O'DONNELL: The protester barked back at the New Jersey Governor over the pace of Hurricane Sandy relief. When he would not relent, Christie's fuse ignited.

CHRISTIE: Turn around, get your 15 minutes of fame, and then maybe take your jacket off, roll up your sleeves, and do something for the people of this state. If you want to have the conversation later, I'm happy to have it, buddy. But until that time, sit down and shut up!

O'DONNELL: Christie's week has been a lot like a series of battle rounds, from tangling with nurse Kaci Hickox over quarantine conditions...

CHRISTIE: I don't have any concerns about that. She had a tent inside. There's been all kind of, you know, malarkey, honestly, about this.

O'DONNELL: ...to the verbal towel snap Christie delivered in a live Today interview when Matt referred to the nurse's lawyer as talented.

CHRISTIE: Well, you used the word "talented," Matt, not me.

O'DONNELL: ...to federal health officials who loudly criticized his rules but recommended their own.

CHRISTIE: It sounds like they just don't want to admit they were wrong. They were wrong.

O'DONNELL: Add the latest pop culture judgment from Jon Stewart.

CHRISTIE: I think when she has time to reflect, she'll understand that.

JON STEWART: Why does Christie have to be such a d**k about everything?

O'DONNELL: Yet on the campaign trail this week, Christie told me he felt no political backlash.

CHRISTIE: I don't worry too much about public perception. You know, it depends on the day, Kelly, right? Whether people are gonna love you or hate you.

O'DONNELL: That crowd in New Jersey applauded and cheered, but how will his leadership style play around the country? Well, we'll get a chance to find out. Between today and election day Tuesday, Christie will campaign in nineteen states for Republicans all across the country. And this evening that includes a stop in the political hot spot of Iowa. Matt, Hoda.

LAUER: Alright, Kelly, thanks very much.

You're gonna have people complain about both sides. People complain when politicians speak through filters too much and now obviously people complain sometimes when they don't use filters.

HODA KOTB: Well, he says what he wants when he wants...

LAUER: No question.

KOTB: ...that's for sure.