Despite nearly 1400 words of space, New York Times writer Amy Chozick on Monday never used the "liberal" label in a story on possible 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton being hit from the left with regards to immigration. ("Progressive" was avoided too.) Instead, she explained that "immigration activists have already turned their focus — and their frustration — to his potential successor."
Chozick noted how Clinton has been heckled for not speaking out enough on opposing deportation. She insisted, "Behind the public confrontations is a quieter but concerted effort by a critical bloc of young Latinos to urge others like them not to automatically support Mrs. Clinton in an increasingly likely 2016 presidential campaign."
Touting the campaign from the left, but avoiding the "liberal" or "left-leaning" labels, Chozick added:
By mobilizing against Mrs. Clinton two years before the next presidential election, the self-named Dreamers hope to pressure her to commit to immigration change or risk losing critical Latino votes.
Mrs. Clinton has drawn criticism from some Latinos by campaigning for Democrats like Ms. Hagan, who was one of five Senate Democrats to vote against the Dream Act that would have given undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children a path to legal status.
Although the L-word could not be used for this internal Democratic debate, the journalist pointed out that "conservatives have criticized" Jeb Bush for saying that illegals come to the U.S. as an "act of love."
In contrast, when Republicans oppose amnesty moves, the labels are freely used. On August 13, 2014, NewsBusters's Clay Water recounted:
In all, Weisman crammed five "conservative" labels, two references to consevative "hard-liners," and two "right"-wing characterizations into his story, with a "conservative" picture caption thrown in. All those hostile labels were aligned against GOP voices of reason who favor "immigration overhaul" -- the party "elders" (who got two mentions).
More generically, when a Colorado school board considered a curriculum to promote patriotism, Times writer Jack Healy used the word "conservative" five times.