RESTON, VA – Today, MRC's NewsBusters blog reported that The Rush Limbaugh Show is hitting back hard against the “Stop Rush” campaign, a phony grassroots movement designed to target, harass, and intimidate advertisers.
According to Team Rush, “only 10 Twitter users account for almost 70% of all ‘Stop Rush’ tweets to advertisers, amplified by illicit software.” In reality, the campaign is not driven by real customers but rather a “small number of hardcore political activists founded by Angelo Carusone” of Media Matters for America.
MRC President Brent Bozell released a statement condemning the fraudulent campaign as a blatant left-wing attack on the First Amendment:
“It’s time to expose the ‘Stop Rush’ campaign for what it is: yet another shameless attack on the First Amendment by left-wing enemies of free speech. ‘Stop Rush’ is a total sham launched by ultra-liberal extremists at media organizations Media Matters and Daily Kos. Their scheme is nothing more than a pathetic Potemkin village of lies and social media fraud perpetrated by a small handful of hacks trying to intimidate small business owners who advertise on conservative radio.
“The ultra-left’s hatred of conservative media and conservative voices is so extreme that they’re willing to put mom and pop shops across America out of business to silence them. Hate is the only word to describe what they’re doing.
“Like Lois Lerner at the IRS, I’m sure Media Matters and Daily Kos believe that the pain and misery they’re inflicting on innocent Americans with their war on free speech is justified, but intimidating small business owners with threats and lies is indefensible.”