Alexandria, VA -- It is now known, as the
Associated Press reported Wednesday, that former Clinton National
Security Adviser Samuel Sandy Berger did not just steal classified
documents about terrorist threats to the U.S. prior to his testimony
before the 9/11 commission. He also hid those documents under a
construction trailer, retrieved them later, cut several of them into
small pieces and put them in the trash.
Yet the Thursday evening news shows at ABC, NBC, and CBS did not
even mention these new revelations, and instead focused on topics
such as the weather in Denver, the recovery of a race horse, and how
much exercise it takes to work off a gingerbread cookie. In response
to the network evening news blackout on Berger, MRC President Brent
Bozell issued the following statement:
The Berger case concerns terrorism threats against America in
1999-2000 and his review of classified papers on Osama bin Laden and
Al Qaeda. The new facts completely contradict Bergers claims that
he simply mishandled the documents and confirm that he repeatedly
lied about his crimes to the American people. But the nightly news
shows at ABC, NBC, and CBS did not run one story on this.
These are the same networks that have run countless stories on who
leaked Valerie Plames CIA identity, on the alleged torture of
prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, on Dick Cheneys connections with
Halliburton and, in the past, countless coverage of Oliver North and
his actions concerning national security. If Condoleezza Rice,
Bushs former national security adviser, had done something like
Berger did, it would have been on the nightly news networks for
weeks, if not months and Rice would likely be in jail for the
felony, not a slap on the wrist like Berger got.
The liberal media are participating in a cover-up. They arent
asking the tough questions. Why did Berger steal the papers? Why
hide them? Did he steal other documents? How do we know? Sandy
Berger says he wants to move on, and the liberal media are letting
Full Rundown of Lack of Berger Coverage
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.