Alexandria, VASenator John Kerry grossly
insulted the intelligence of American soldiers by telling college
students they would get stuck in Iraq if they didn't work hard in
school. Yet the liberal media, instead of seizing the opportunity to
condemn this offense as they have done with conservatives who make
gaffes for example, Senator George Allens macaca comment
brushed off Kerrys insult as, among other things, an idle
political remark.
With his rich history of besmirching the military, John Kerry
and his cheap insult against our U.S. troops should be held to the
same standard as other political misconduct, said Media Research
Center President Brent Bozell. But liberal anchors have dismissed
it as merely an idle political remark and have left it up to the
White House to demand an apology.
Their reaction pales in comparison to the weeks upon weeks of
coverage still devoted to lambasting Senator George Allen for his
macaca comment. If a conservative denoted a particular group of
people as stupid, these same reporters would exploit every
opportunity to drive the GOP into the ground in the week before
elections. The liberal hypocrisy and media bias are loathsome.
Examples of Downplaying Kerrys Comment:
CBSs Katie Couric mimicked a potential GOP ad, impersonating John Kerry insults the troops. Do we really want the Dems to take over?
ABC anchor Charles Gibson characterized it as merely an idle political remark.
CNNs White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux stated we hope and we think that all of this is going to go away tomorrow.
MSNBCs Chris Matthews referred to the controversy over Kerrys comments as a brouhaha and a rhubarb.
CNNs Jack Cafferty said one can only hope the issue goes away quickly.
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.