Ed Schultz Dismisses the Release of Taliban Prisoners: Were They Really 'the Absolute Worst?'

A near-hysterical Ed Schultz on Wednesday lashed out against Republicans for questioning the prisoner swap made by President Obama that released five terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. The MSNBC anchor also dismissed GOP concerns as just another attempt to impeach the President. Regarding the top Taliban members who were set free last week, Schultz sanitized, "You mean to tell me, we just happen to negotiate away the absolute worst people on the face of the Earth and this is such a bad deal for America?" [MP3 audio here.]

Coming up with his own conclusion as to why Republicans might be worried over the prisoner swap, the anchor lectured, "Well, this Republican freak-out over the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, it's all about one thing and one thing only and that is impeaching President Obama."

At one point, Schultz attempted to sweep away all concerns about the released Taliban men: 

SCHULTZ: I think what the Republicans need to do is give us an update on the rest of the detainees in Gitmo. Are they all nice guys? Are they ready to be released? Are they the worst of the worst of the worst? You mean to tell me, we just happen to negotiate away the absolute worst people on the face of the Earth and this is such a bad deal for America? 

Later, while talking to Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, Schultz sneered, "I believe that [Republicans] are just ideologically-driven and they hate this President. And I think that they'll take any issue whatsoever, Bergdahl just happens to be the story of the hour, story of the week."  

On Tuesday, Schultz predicted the GOP will move to impeach Obama after the midterm elections.

A partial transcript of the June 4 segment is below: 


ED SCHULTZ: Well, this Republican freak-out over the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, it's all about one thing and one thing only and that is impeaching President Obama. They're looking for something. Republicans are hell-bent on taking out the President of the United States. No matter the cost.


SCHULTZ: I think what the Republicans need to do is give us an update on the rest of the detainees in Gitmo. Are they all nice guys? Are they ready to be released? Are they the worst of the worst of the worst? You mean to tell me, we just happen to negotiate away the absolute worst people on the face of the Earth and this is such a bad deal for America? Wait a minute. It doesn't matter who was in the swap. The fact is, an American soldier is coming home and they''re going to play it to the hilt as something wrong with President Obama. It's his fault. High crimes and misdemeanor. Should have gone to Congress. Didn't follow the legal pathway. Time to get rid of him. 


SCHULTZ: I believe that they are just ideologically-driven and they hate this President. And I think that they'll take any issue whatsoever, Bergdahl just happens to be the story of the hour, story of the week.