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Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center today released a new report documenting the lengthy record of liberal bias that Katie Couric brings to CBS as she prepares to replace the disgraced Dan Rather as permanent anchor of the CBS Evening News next week. The MRCs 21-page Special Report, Meet the Real Katie Couric, demonstrates how Couric pushed a liberal political agenda during her 15 years as co-host of NBCs Today.

Ridding itself of Dan Rather, CBS had the perfect opportunity to regain the credibility and ratings it lost by his soapbox reporting, said MRC President L. Brent Bozell III. Instead, the network has driven the last nail into its own coffin by elevating Katie Couric to anchor the CBS Evening News. Katie is indisputably an attractive and charming presence, but her record is also that of a liberal activist, not a fair and balanced journalist. She wont fix the bias problem thats eroded CBSs credibility. Instead, Katie will be the head cheerleader for CBSs skewed version of the news.

Meet the Real Katie Couric contains nearly 100 examples of Courics on-air liberal bias, many accompanied by audio and video clips. Read the full report.

Examples of Courics track record of liberal bias:

  • Crusading for European-style socialist programs, suggesting Americans could learn a lot from theFrench.

  • Ripping Republicans as rigid, exclusionary, divisive and draconian.

  • Blaming conservatives for the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in 1998, touting left-wing claims of a climate of anti-gay hate thats been fostered by the political right.

  • Deploring Ronald Reagan with insults such as The Gipper was an airhead!

  • Lavishing praise on Left/liberal icons such as Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton - even Cubas communist dictator Fidel Castro.


o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.