One day after accusing the press of ignoring the Benghazi scandal in order to protect President Obama, on Thursday's O'Reilly Factor, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly ripped into the media yet again: "Does
it get any worse than that in our democracy?...The Obama administration
was completely derelict in the Benghazi terror attack and was dishonest
in the aftermath. And the national press doesn't give a damn?
Disgraceful." [Listen to the audio]
O'Reilly cited desperate spinning of the controversy by White House
Press Secretary Jay Carney and observed: "While Carney may think the
press corps is stupid, he knows the press corps doesn't care, and that's
why he says these outrageous things. He knows the coverage will be
minimal, except on Fox News."
Detailing the lack of network coverage, O'Reilly declared:
Last night, CBS Evening News didn't cover Benghazi. NBC did a 30-second reader. ABC did a report with Jonathan Karl, the man you saw there who gave Carney a hard time, that was 10 minutes into the broadcast. ABC should have led with it. Most newspapers today either ignored or minimized the story, same thing yesterday.
Here are portions of O'Reilly's May 1 Talking Points commentary:
8:03 PM ET
BILL O'REILLY: The Wall Street Journal editorialized today, quote, "Mr. Carney still insisted Ms. Rice had relied on points about the Benghazi attack that were produced by the CIA. He must think the press corps is stupid." While Carney may think the press corps is stupid, he knows the press corps doesn't care, and that's why he says these outrageous things. He knows the coverage will be minimal, except on Fox News.
Last night, CBS Evening News didn't cover Benghazi. NBC did a 30-second reader. ABC did a report with Jonathan Karl, the man you saw there who gave Carney a hard time, that was 10 minutes into the broadcast. ABC should have led with it. Most newspapers today either ignored or minimized the story, same thing yesterday.
8:05 PM ET
See, that's what this story is all about, the failure of the U.S. Government to protect Americans under fire in Benghazi. And then after the fact, trying to say, "Oh, the killers weren't organized terrorists." Are we all getting this?
But, again, the national media won't cover it. Does it get any worse than that in our democracy?
Talking points is angry. The Obama administration was completely derelict in the Benghazi terror attack and was dishonest in the aftermath. And the national press doesn't give a damn? Disgraceful.