ABC on Chelsea Clinton's Pregnancy: 'Move Over, Prince George'; U.S. Has New 'Royal'

According to the liberal network journalists, being part of a Democratic family makes you "royalty." Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC gushed over the announcement that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant. Good Morning America's Bianna Golodryga enthused, "Move over, Prince George, though. This morning, Americans have their own royal, or, rather, presidential baby, to look forward to. 

On CBS This Morning, Jan Crawford was almost as excited, hyping, "...This is not as quite as big of a deal as when Prince William and Kate Middleton said they were expecting. But in the U.S., I guess you could say political dynasties might be the thing we've got closest to royalty." [MP3 audio here.]

ABC previously labeled another Democratic family, the Kennedys, as "American royalty." 

CBS co-host Gayle King fawned, "But you would have thought a member of my family had announced she was pregnant." She asked colleague Charlie Rose, "Are you excited?" He replied, "I actually am because I know them." 

Compared to the "royalty" description, however, Rose was restrained, calling the Clintons "one of the country's most powerful political families." 

On GMA, George Stephanopoulos heralded, "We all watched Chelsea Clinton grow up in the White House. " In Stephanopoulos's case, this is literally true. As a former Democratic operative, he worked for Bill Clinton in the White House. 

On NBC's Today, Savannah Guthrie touted "one of the country's most prominent families." Reporter Andrea Mitchell reminiced like a proud relative: 

ANDREA MITCHELL: Chelsea grew up in front of our eyes, from the governor's mansion in Arkansas to the White House years. At her parents' side as they traveled the world and campaigned at home. More recently, she also joined the family business, a full partner in their foundation. But always right beside her mother in good times and bad.

As the Media Research Center's Brent Baker pointed out on Thursday night (BiasAlert), on December 12, 2012, the NBC Nightly News allowed 33 seconds to the announcement of Jenna Bush Hager's pregnancy. ABC's World News and the CBS Evening News skipped it. 

Just since Thursday, the three networks have devoted 16 minutes and 48 seconds of coverage to Chelsea Clinton's pregnancy. On Thursday night, NBC, CBS and ABC offered five minutes and 17 seconds of coverage. The network morning shows devoted another 11 minutes and 31 seconds on Friday. 

A transcript of the April 18 GMA segment is below: 

7:16  AM EDT:

3 minutes and 9 seconds

ABC GRAPHIC: Baby on Board for Chelsea Clinton: Bill and Hillary to Be Grandparents

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: We're going to switch gears now and go to that big baby announcement. We all watched Chelsea Clinton grow up in the White House. Now, after some very public nudges from her very famous parents, she is having a child of her own. And our GMA weekend anchor Bianna Golodryga here with more on the happy news. Good morning, Bianna. 

BIANNA GOLODRYGA: Hey. Good morning, George. I'm officially on baby watch this week. Move over, Prince George, though. This morning, Americans have their own royal, or, rather, presidential baby, to look forward to. Chelsea Clinton making the announcement that she and husband, Marc, are expecting at an event discussing efforts to advance women and girls, an event attended by her husband and beaming parents, soon-to-be grandparents. Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton making a surprise announcement, Thursday. 

CHELSEA CLINTON: Marc and I are excited that we have our first child arriving later this year. 

GOLODRYGA: The 34-year-old and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, who attended Stanford together, married for years ago. 

CLINTON: And I certainly feel all the better, whether it's a girl or a boy, that she or he will grow up in a world with so in many strong, young female leaders. 

GOLODRYGA: The future grandparents positively elated by the news. The former secretary of state tweeting, "Bill Clinton and I are thrilled that Chelsea and Marc are expecting their first child." And the former president also tweeting, "excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio, grandfather-to-be." It's no secret that the Clintons have been pining for a grandchild. Just last month, Jimmy Kimmel jokingly put the former First Lady on the hot seat. 

JIMMY KIMMEL: You and the president will have another child? Anymore children? 

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, no. But I wouldn't mind -- 

KIMMEL: Let's get into it. 

HILLARY CLINTON: I wouldn't mind one of those grandchildren that I hear so much about. 

GOLODRYGA: And it was three years ago that her father also put on the pressure. 

BILL CLINTON: I would like to have a happy wife and she won't be unless she's a grandmother. 

GOLODRYGA: For eight years, the world watched Chelsea Clinton grow up in the White House and blossom into a young woman, even amid scandal. And when it comes to bedtime reading, grandpa may have picked out his material. 

BILL CLINTON: My daughter, when she was a little girl, loved the Curious George stories. I would always tell her a story every night before she would go to bed. 

GOLODRYGA: As for Chelsea, she admits she has got big shoes to fill. 

CHELSEA CLINTON: I just hope that I will be as good a mom to my child, and hopefully my children, as my mom was to me. 

GOLODRYGA: They really are such a close family. Of course, social media was on fire. Ellen DeGeneres tweeting, "Chelsea Clinton is going to have a baby. No reports if it's a boy or girl. But it just did win a seat in the Illinois general assembly." 

GOLODRYGA: Dr. Oz also weighing in. Of course, he's a new grandfather. He says congratulations to Chelsea Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. If you need advice on grandparenthood, I'm becoming an expert." And some unsolicited advice from me as an only child to another only child, be prepared for many, many, many parental visits. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, after all of the hints, yeah. 

ROBERTS: Exactly. 

STEPHANOPOULOS: Get a baby. Get a baby. Thanks, Bianna.