On Thursday morning's New Day, CNN reported the newest
development in the IRS scandal that the broadcast networks ignored: the
former IRS chief contacting the Justice Department about criminal
investigations of tax-exempt groups.
"The activist group Judicial Watch has released e-mails that show the
agency in talks with the Justice Department to investigate some tax
exempt organizations for possible fraud," reported CNN's John Berman. He
added that according to the e-mails, "criminal investigations" were a
possibility before the IRS targeting scandal broke last year.
CNN only gave two news briefs -- 43 seconds in total -- to the story, however, ignoring it during all the other news hours.
None of the broadcast networks reported the news on Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Earlier this week, the networks ignored another big development in the scandal, the RNC suing the IRS for "illegal stonewalling" of their requests for documents related to the scandal.
The latest omissions are only the latest in a string of developments in the scandal missed by the networks.
Also, President Obama was not asked about the story at his Thursday afternoon press conference.
Below is a transcript of the segment:
[7:13 a.mD ET]
JOHN BERMAN: Meanwhile, a new wrinkle in the IRS scandal involving the
targeting of Tea Party groups. The activist group Judicial Watch has
released e-mails that show the agency in talks with the Justice
Department to investigate some tax exempt organizations for possible
fraud. The new documents show just how close the government came to
criminal investigations before the IRS targeting became public