New Census questions will change the findings on the impact of ObamaCare, reported the New York Times on Tuesday. The broadcast networks ignored this new report on the Tuesday evening newscasts, however.
In fact, a census official told the Times they "are expecting much lower numbers" of the uninsured "just because of the questions and how they are asked." As the Times
stated, the Census Bureau "is changing its annual survey so thoroughly
that it will be difficult to measure the effects of President Obama’s
health care law in the next report, due this fall, census officials
As Mediaite noted, certain journalists expressed their outrage on Twitter. Bloomberg's Megan McArdle was "speechless," while the Times's Josh Barro said the change was "insane."
The networks reported none of this. The NBC Nightly News and ABC's World News each spent over two minutes covering the trial of Oscar Pistorius. World News also had time for a news brief on the musical, "Soul Train" coming to Broadway.
Back in 2009, NewsBusters documented the networks' blackout of the White House grabbing the 2010 Census from the Department of Commerce.