ABC's 'Nightline' Skipped ObamaCare for 123 Days, Gossips Over 'Bootleg Butt Injections'

How do the journalists at Nightline define news? On Monday night, co-host Dan Harris and reporter Mariana van Zeller spent an astonishing nine minutes and 33 seconds on the salacious, gossipy phenomenon of "bootleg butt injections." Yet, it's been 123 days, 17 and a half weeks, since the show's hosts have focused on ObamaCare and the problems with the law's implementation. 

Harris educated his audience: "In the iconic rap song, Baby Got Back, Sir-Mix-A-Lot professes his love for women with large rear ends." He continued, "Since that song came out in 1992, the world's obsession with plus-size backsides has only intensified..." Yes, the once-prestigious Nightline investigated why some women "are risking it all on bootleg butt injections." [MP3 audio here.]

Journalist van Zeller traveled to Caracas, Venezuela, noting, "We're looking for a doctor who runs a backroom butt clinic out of his apartment." 

The reporter proceeded to spend almost ten minutes on butts, why women opt for larger rear ends and why men notice them. The show's journalists attempted to attach a "serious" angle to this story, the health risks associated with excess butt surgeries and injections. 

However, the lengthy story also featured repeated shots of women's backsides. 

In contrast, Nightline has demonstrated little interest for the myriad problems facing ObamaCare. It was way back on November 14, 2013 that Harris discussed the "epic failures" of the health care law. On that date, he could only manage two minutes on it. 

More recently, the program, which began in 1980 as a way of keeping Americans up to date on the Iranian hostage crisis, profiled rapper Lil' Poopy and showcased the saving power of threesome orgies.