Reaction Statement From MRC President Brent Bozell on Bob Schieffer Being Named to Replace Dan Rather - Press Release - February 2, 2005 - Media Research Center

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CBS's Bob Schieffer Naming Bob Schieffer to replace Dan Rather, even for the short term, further proves the CBS investigation into the Rathergate fiasco was a whitewash. Liberal bias prevails at CBS News, and the public will put little stock in CBSs reporting until this network removes the institutionalized bias that permeates its newsroom.

Schieffer himself is a classic example of someone in complete denial regarding liberal bias at CBS, having himself said: It's such a wacky charge. This particular charge was the exact subject of former CBS newsman Bernard Goldbergs bestselling book.

The problem starts at the top. Les Moonves can no longer swap pawns and feel that will pacify the deserved criticism. He must make bold moves and bring in people who are committed to reporting facts, not viewpoints. If CBS is claiming this is a commitment to balance, CBS is CBS-ing again.

Related Items:
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Media Reality Check: Meet Bob Schieffer, CBSs Dan Rather Echo

To schedule an interview with Mr. Bozell, or another MRC spokesperson,
contact Tim Scheiderer at (703)-683-5004, ext. 126.