ALEXANDRIA, VA – According
to a new Media Research Center report, ABC, CBS, and NBC are refusing to
report Democratic Sen. Harry Reid’s indefensible implication on the Senate
floor yesterday that tiny sequester cuts led to the accidental deaths of seven
U.S. Marines in Hawthorne, Nevada.
ABC's World
News and Good Morning America,
NBC's Nightly News and Today, and CBS’s Evening News and This Morning
didn’t give Reid’s despicable remarks one single second of coverage on their
Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning broadcasts. covered the story,
but spun what Reid said in order to defend him.
While speaking yesterday on the Senate
floor, Reid stated, “But one of the things in sequester is we cut back in
training and maintenance.” He added, “This sequester should go away...These men and women, our Marines
were training there in Hawthorne. And with this sequester, it's going to cut
back this stuff.”
Media Research Center President Brent
Bozell reacts:
“A Marine
Corps official accuses the Senate majority leader of ‘pure political posturing
on the backs of these dead Marines’ and the networks whistle right by it. There
is no question what Harry Reid is implying during his disgraceful remarks on
the Senate floor. He links the sequester to the deaths of seven Marines, and
ABC, CBS, and NBC censor the story by giving it ZERO seconds of coverage. His
conduct is disgusting, and so is theirs.
“How much rancid sequester garbage can the liberal media willingly swallow from the Democrats before they explode? If the press had any integrity, Reid would have
to barricade the door of his office to hide from their questions and cameras. Instead
they’ve turned a blind eye to the Democratic leader’s remarkably insensitive
and misleading comments.
American people and the brave fighting men and women who protect them deserve better
from Reid, and they deserve better from the media.”
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Jeremy Little - (703)-683-5004