VA - For the seventh night in a row, ABC’s World News, CBS Evening News,
and NBC Nightly News refused to give
one single second of coverage to the Obama administration’s deceitful response
to the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11. According
to the Media Research Center, the last time Benghazi was discussed on one of
the flagship network evening news casts was the October 25 edition of CBS Evening News.
then, ABC News and CBS News have relegated coverage of the Benghazi terrorist
attack to their websites. Jake Tapper’s November 1 report for ABC News landed
on the Drudge Report, while a post from CBS News’ Sharyl Atkisson that same day
was picked up by Real Clear Politics. But the millions of viewers who tune in
to ABC’s World News and CBS Evening News were not permitted to
hear these stories on the evening broadcasts.
Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:
“The stories about the Benghazi
terrorist attack written by ABC’s Jake Tapper and CBS’s Sharyl Atkisson clearly
demonstrate that there are some serious journalists who believe this is a major
story and are looking for answers from the Obama Administration. ABC’s World News’ and CBS Evening News’ refusal to present these stories to the millions
of Americans who count on them as their primary source of news shows how
corrupted they have become. They’re trying to rig this election for Barack
Obama, deliberately spiking news stories even their top reporters believe to be
“The litany of failures that led to
the deaths of four brave Americans in Benghazi on September 11, and the
contradictory answers, is long and getting longer, but the big question the
Obama Administration must answer remains unasked by the liberal media: if the
administration was repeatedly warned of danger, and requests for help were
repeatedly turned down, and four brave Americans died, who is responsible for
this catastrophe, and why did the Obama Administration dishonestly try to blame
it all on a video?”
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Jeremy Little - (703)-683-5004