Sports Blogger

Conservative Sports Fans!

MRC Culture is looking for FAST, dependable part-time bloggers to write on sports media coverage and document the leftwing bias prevalent in sports journalism. We specifically need people who can clip and edit video for use in blog posts about TV coverage – self –starters who can recognize lefty bias and agitation and act on it, creating a Newsbusters post with video within an hour.

If you’re the type who watches ESPN or pre-game shows, checks sports blogs and pages daily, this may be for you. If you can talk W.A.R. with the drunk in the jersey and cap at the end of the bar, this may be for you. If you do all that AND hate the politicization of sports in the era of Black Lives Matter and other wokeness, this is definitely for you.

We care about MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA, PGA, NASCAR, Tennis, the Olympics. Recent sports topics we've covered: Tebow hatred, Kaepernick kneeling, Lebron James and NBA's BLM activism, Covid and MLB, Pay for NCAA athletes, National Anthem controversies, etc.

Duties & Responsibilities: 

Blogger will scan sports media for egregious political bias. He or she will coordinate with the managing editor and other writers to avoid duplication, etc. Once a piece is approved, blogger will write a short blog, clip and upload video to go with it, and post blog to Newsbusters. Repeat as necessary. 

Required Experience & Education: 

Must be a sports addict with some journalism experience. A strong, engaging writer who can say what needs to be said in under 500 words. Be adept at clipping, editing and uploading video.

Performance & Success Metrics: 

To apply:

Send cover email, resume and writing samples to Managing Editor Matt Philbin We want to know your experience with video editing software (and samples of it, if you have any), and which sports, shows and personalities you follow.

MRC Culture
Job Type: 