
On Saturday, July 26, federal judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. ruled that Washington D.C.’s ban on carrying a gun in public was unconstitutional and since the decision the “big three” networks have remained virtually silent on the Second Amendment victory. Beginning Saturday night and continuing through the evening of Monday, July 28, only ABC’s Good Morning America has acknowledged the ruling. ABC’s Ron Claiborne gave the story a scant 18 seconds on Sunday morning whereas all of the CBS and NBC morning and evening newscasts, as well as ABC’s World News have ignored the story altogether. During a news brief... continue reading
On Monday, July 28, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley used a new study showing that high fives are five times more hygienic than shaking hands as a way of promoting President Obama's use of the fist bump. Fill-in anchor James Brown, who hosts The NFL Today on CBS, gushed at how “in his line of work, President Obama does a healthy amount of handshaking but a study out today says high fives will be more hygienic. They transfer only about half as many bacteria.” In a brief segment at the end of the broadcast, Brown continued to hype... continue reading
As the New York Times launched a high profile editorial to federally legalize marijuana , NBC and CBS on Monday surprisingly showcased the downside of the pro-pot movement in states such as Colorado and Washington. CBS This Morning host Gayle King alerted, "After voters in Colorado and Washington State gave the green light for recreational use, the Times editorial board now wants the rest of the country to have the same opportunity." Touting the status of the New York Times , reporter Jan Crawford related, "It may seem like edgy stuff from the so-called paper of record, but it reflects... continue reading
Geraldo Rivera hates it whenever any one around him refers to people illegally crossing the border as “illegals.” On Monday’s edition of Outnumbered he challenged FNC’s Ainsley Earhardt when she dared to use that phrase in his presence. Rivera barked: “Every time you say ‘illegals,’ it’s like fingernails on a black board!” Well Earhardt, along with a few of her co-panelists, fought back against Rivera’s insistence that the border-crossers were “law-abiding.” The following is the relevant exchange as it was aired on the July 28 edition of FNC’s Outnumbered : ANDREA TANTAROS: Ainsley how does this move, if the president... continue reading
CBS This Morning aired multiple excerpts on Monday morning of co-host Charlie Rose’s interview with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, that will air on Rose’s PBS show on Monday night. In the excerpts that were aired, Rose allowed him to compare the Palestinian people in their fighting with Israel to Americans waging war with the British in the America Revolution. Further, Meshaal denied any possibility that, in his mind, a state of Israel could co-exist with any Palestinian state. In the first excerpt, which aired in the 7:00 a.m. hour, Rose began by citing former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who said... continue reading
On Monday's NBC Today , chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel worried that Hamas was not getting enough out of a temporary cease-fire agreement with Israel: "What is Hamas getting in return? So far, nothing. No deal, no immediate lifting of the closure of the Gaza Strip. Just a reprieve from Israel's assault that has flattened entire Gaza neighborhoods and killed more than a thousand Palestinians, many of them civilians, many of them children." [ Listen to the audio ] Engel continued to outline the demands from the Palestinian terrorist organization: "The war could easily escalate again. Hamas wants an agreement... continue reading
Over the weekend, leaders from the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees reached an agreement on legislation to reform the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs with the full details unveiled during a press conference Monday afternoon. When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this breakthrough in their Monday morning news shows, NBC’s Today decided not to inform their viewers of the story. Maybe it was because NBC was too concerned telling them how Congress wasn’t working to notice. Between the two networks that did cover the latest in the VA scandal, ABC and CBS, ABC’s Good Morning America... continue reading
The saga of Lois Lerner’s missing emails took a bunch of twists and turns this past week, but you wouldn’t know that if you only got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks. On July 21, it was reported that even more IRS officials had their hard drives crash on them, including employees who “routinely corresponded” with Lerner. What a coincidence! On that same day it was revealed that a top IRS official was uncertain if backup tapes of Lerner’s lost emails still existed. The next day the story changed again when it was reported that Lerner’s... continue reading
MSNBC Weekend MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry is known for making controversial statements about race, such as when she mocked Mitt Romney for having adopted black grandson, and on Saturday, July 26 she made yet another controversial statement on race. Harris-Perry used her weekend platform to disgustingly compare Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) and his decision to sent National Guard troops to the border to that of southern Democrats blocking African American children from integrating into previously all-white public schools. [See video below.] Harris-Perry began her show by insisting that Americans need to “pause for a moment here and remember that we... continue reading
A common theme among liberal journalists is to blame a “do-nothing Congress” when liberal policies fail to become law. Such was the case during a panel discussion on Sunday’s Meet the Press when moderator David Gregory and his entire panel lamented the lack of legislative action on Capitol Hill, mainly in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Gregory summed up the panel’s sentiment when he bemoaned how “until the incentives are changed, a desire for some compromise or even meeting challenges that Americans want dealt with, will not get done. Because nobody will give the other side even a small win... continue reading