
On Wednesday, CNN's Erin Burnett kissed up to left-wing actress Ashley Judd by promoting her radical feminist take on society. Burnett asserted that " one thing the education system still teaches is a patriarchal view of the world ," and quoted from an April 2012 piece that Judd wrote for The Daily Beast: "Patriarchy is not men. Patriarchy is a system in which both men and women participate. It is never more danger(ous) than when women passionately deny that they themselves are engaging in it." [MP3 audio available here ; video below ] The anchor, who brought on Judd and... continue reading
Thanks to his stonewalling of the House of Representatives investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, in 2012 Eric Holder became the first Attorney General held in contempt by Congress. Maybe his resignation on Thursday will revive the story for the three broadcast network evening newscasts, but don't count on it. With Sharyl Attkisson no longer working at CBS News , there is no broadcast journalist who has shown any interest in pursuing this disgraceful story. In fact, as the MRC documented after the 2012 re-election of President Obama, Holder's Fast and Furious scandal was just one of the many... continue reading
In an interview with United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power on Thursday's NBC Today , co-host Matt Lauer pointed out President Obama contradicting himself on fighting terrorism: "Many times during his presidency, the President has said that the tide of war is receding....But yesterday, he talked about this fight against ISIS and he said, 'The only language understood by killers like ISIS is the language of force.'" He then wondered: "Are we heading back to a perpetual footing of war?" Power replied: "No. But what we are doing is engaging in a campaign to degrade and ultimately destroy this monstrous group."... continue reading
The three major networks have obsessed over every detail of the football scandal involving Ray Rice and what the NFL knew. Yet, ABC, NBC and CBS have ignored the compelling story of Shaneen Allen , a single mother who faced prison for taking her legally-owned firearm into the state of New Jersey. The football connection? The prosecutor who declined to go after Rice for punching his then-fiancee is the same man who wanted to send Allen to jail for 11 years. MSNBC has also skipped the story. It's been left to CNN and Fox News to report the details of... continue reading
CNN joined ABC and CBS on Wednesday night by offering up its own softball sit-down interview with former President Bill Clinton and promoting his Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) organiztion. This time, CNN went beyond ABC and CBS in running a taped, hour-long program entitled President Bill Clinton: A CNN Special Town Hall . Outfront host Erin Burnett hosted the program in prime time and asked plenty of easy questions, including asking Clinton how he will “baby-proof the White House” with their daughter Chelsea’s pending birth to her first child and the assumption that Hillary Clinton will become President after the... continue reading
Appearing on MSNBC's NewsNation on Thursday to react to Attorney General Eric Holder announcing his resignation, NBC's Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd had the audacity to proclaim that Holder "wasn't political at all" during his tenure at the Justice Department. [ Listen to the audio ] This is the same Eric Holder who declared America to be a "nation of cowards" on race, was held in contempt of Congress for not handing over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun running scandal, and who just in April implied to Al Sharpton's National Action Network that Republican criticism of... continue reading
Leave it to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough to eagerly defend President Obama following his speech to the United Nations General Assembly. Appearing on Thursday’s Morning Joe , Scarborough insisted that on foreign policy Obama’s " been criticized from a lot of, you could say conservative circles, mainly neo-con circles for not doing enough and going into Syria a year or two ago. But he c ertainly has followed public opinion, hasn't he? I n that respect, conservati ve with a small c?” The MSNBC host made his comments during a segment with Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review and Todd Robberson of... continue reading
In case one didn't know, there's a "conservative" school board in Colorado that is facing protests. In just 17 paragraphs, New York Times reporter Jack Healy worried about "conservatives" five times. The writer explained that "A new conservative school board majority here in the Denver suburbs recently proposed a curriculum-review committee to promote patriotism, respect for authority and free enterprise..." He added, "Almost from the outset, the three conservative newcomers to the five-person board clashed with the two others, and a steady stream of 3-to-2 votes came to represent the sharp divisions on the board and in the community." Healy... continue reading
During his speech to the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly on Wednesday, President Barack Obama made a striking, unusual and ridiculous comparison between the reign of terror taking place in the Middle East at the hands of the brutal Islamic terrorist group ISIS, the ongoing tension in Ukraine, and the unrest that took place in Ferguson, Missouri last month after the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. As far as the any of the major broadcast networks bringing up this absurd mention on their evening newscasts, neither ABC, CBS, or NBC gave that portion of the President’s speech any attention or... continue reading
CNN President Jeff Zucker is standing by Fareed Zakaria, despite new allegations that the host plagiarized in multiple venues. On Wednesday, Hadas Gold of Politico reported Zucker's Tuesday comments about Zakaria: " We continue to have complete confidence in Fareed ." Gold noted that "when pressed further if that meant Zakaria would continue appearing on CNN, Zucker repeated that they have complete confidence in the host." The network certainly gave the impression of doubling down on Wednesday morning. Zakaria, who was suspended by the network in August 2012 for plagiarizing New Yorker writer Jill Lepore, appeared on New Day and... continue reading