
Last Friday, a Democrat-led investigation failed to find evidence linking Chris Christie to the 2013 traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge. After initially ignoring the report , ABC allowed 16 seconds on Friday night's World News . Anchor David Muir briefly deemed this "welcome news" for the New Jersey Governor and possible 2016 contender. [MP3 audio here .] On day one of the report, NBC offered 17 seconds and CBS managed 15 seconds on Christie's clearing. The grand total amounts to a scant 48 seconds. In comparison, the first day of the Bridgegate investigation back in January netted 34... continue reading
On Monday night, President Obama appeared on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report for a friendly interview with the liberal comedian, and Tuesday morning the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks predictably promoted the president’s late night stop. CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King hyped how Obama “was a guest on Comedy Central Colbert Report last night. It was his first visit to the show as Stephen Colbert gets ready to end that program. At one point it appeared the president may have been auditioning for his next job.” King then turned to CBS News reporter Jan Crawford to further... continue reading
On Monday night, ABC News continued to report on the impending release of a report on the CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation methods as though partisanship had no role when, in fact, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee are the very reason it was compiled and will be released. Following a morning in which ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today made no mention of the political reasoning, ABC kept the streak going on World News Tonight with David Muir with another report from ABC News chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz. [MP3 audio here ; Video below] During her report, Raddatz... continue reading
On Monday, ABC and NBC's morning newscasts both touted the upcoming congressional report on the CIA's post-9/11 interrogation techniques as " explosive " and " damning ." However, neither network pointed out that it was Democratic members on the Senate Intelligence Committee that commissioned the document. [ video below ] By contrast, CBS This Morning reported that " Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee are set to release a controversial report on the CIA ." NBC's Matt Lauer first used the "explosive" label on Today , as he previewed correspondent Andrea Mitchell's report: "U.S. embassies around the world bracing for... continue reading
On NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd fretted that after the show he would be inundated with complaints about his news coverage, but not from conservatives: "I'm going to get a ton of emails today, 'Gosh darn you, Meet the Press , great news on the economy, and you haven't done anything giving President Obama praise.'" CNBC's Rick Santelli pushed back on Todd's assertion that there was "great news on the economy": "It is great improvement and we've come a long way, but remember, let's not get too happy about six-year cures for two-year flus. We've been... continue reading
According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama launches into "profanity-laced" tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. In a C-SPAN interview , Compton also derided the President for leading "the most opaque" administration of "any I have covered." The journalist, who retired in August after a 40-year career, revealed to C-SPAN's Brian Lamb: "I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off the record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals." [MP3 audio here .]... continue reading
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today , ex-CNN host Piers Morgan called on Time magazine to name the Ferguson protesters as the publication's "Person of the Year" for 2014: "If you ask me what has been the single biggest issue facing Americans right now in this country, it is the whole issue surrounding what happened there....Everyone's got to come together and say we are simply better than this." Earlier in the segment, co-host Matt Lauer brought up the deaths of both Michael Brown and Eric Garner in New York City, prompting Morgan to proclaim: "I feel very concerned about that whole... continue reading
On Saturday night, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La.) lost her bid for reelection to Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-La.) by nearly 12 points and some liberals decided to blame her defeat on white racists who hate President Obama. Appearing on MSNBC’s The Rundown with Jose Diaz-Balart on Monday morning, Aisha Moodie-Mills of the Center for American Progress insisted that “the reality, and every single poll shows this, is that Democrats have completely lost the south because white people are running away from Barack Obama and this African-American man who is occupying the White House.” The liberal MSNBC guest continued to blame white... continue reading
During a panel discussion on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report argued that the reason comprehensive immigration reform wasn’t getting passed was because of the racial makeup of House Republican districts: “Here’s the problem with the House, at the end of the day, the House does not look like the country.” CNBC’s Rick Santelli, immediately pushed back: “Who sent them there? Come on!” Walter continued: “Well, that's right, they sit in districts – no listen, the average House – the average House Republican district is 75% white.” Moderator Chuck Todd chimed in his... continue reading
In case MSNBC viewers didn't understand that Ted Cruz is the new Joe McCarthy, Hardball 's Chris Matthews on Thursday repeated the attack four times. Smearing the Texas Republican as unhinged and paranoid is a favorite of Matthews. This time, the host lashed out against Cruz's opposition to Barack Obama's executive order amnesty. At 7:35, Matthews jeered, "Big surprise there. Joe McCarthy is at it again." Five minutes later, at 7:40, the cable host ranted about "this plan by the new Joe McCarthy which is always to blame the government as lawless." Repeating himself, he wondered of Cruz, "Where is... continue reading