CNN's Chris Cuomo ran to President Obama's defense on Tuesday's New Day , after former Senator Jim DeMint criticized the White House's handling of Russia's invasion of Ukraine: " Isn't the notion that only might can make right tired? The American people do not have appetite for more military action , and everyone is condemning Putin... Isn't this proof that President Obama's tactic of let's try to talk; let's try to be flexible – not everything is about having the biggest muscles – may be the way the world wants to proceed? " Cuomo also ripped the GOP for standing... continue reading
Of the three networks, only CBS has investigated the "outrage" of Mayor Bill de Blasio's "attacks" against charter schools in New York City. CBS This Morning journalist Don Dahler on Tuesday revealed, "Thousands of concerned parents are traveling to New York's state capitol Albany this morning, looking to draw attention to the plight of the charter school movement." Dahler referred to this movement as one parents believe "is now under attack." [MP3 audio here .] After showing one New York mother who praised the impact charter schools had on her children, the journalist informed, " But plans to expand their... continue reading
The journalists at World News on Monday and Good Morning America on Tuesday ignored the results of their own poll, a survey finding Democrats in deep trouble for the 2014 midterms. It's not as though GMA was packed with hard news and there was no available time. T he morning show devoted an astonishing 18 minutes to promoting the new season of Dancing With the Stars . ABC News labeled this a " GMA dance party." According to the A BC News/ Washington Post poll, "...Republicans [are] in a stronger position than Democrats in the states with Senate races this... continue reading
On Tuesday morning, only NBC's Today marked the beginning of the 2014 midterm primary season and explained the dire situation for Democrats ahead on the November election. Co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: "While President Obama's dealing with the crisis in Ukraine, here at home, the future of his presidency could be at stake. The midterm primary season kicks off today, and this will affect who will control the levers of power in the coming years." [ Listen to the audio ] In the report that followed, chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd warned: " sets the stage for... continue reading
NPR's Lauren Frayer repeatedly emphasized the conservative ideology of the ruling party of Spain on Thursday's Morning Edition , as she reported on proposed legislation there that would be, in her words, "one of the toughest abortion laws in Europe – a near-total ban, except in cases of rape or threats to the mother's health." However, she didn't point out the left-of-center political affiliation of opponents of the proposal. Frayer noted how "topless women" shouted " abortion is sacred ... surrounding a Catholic cardinal on his way into church a couple weeks ago," but failed identify that these protesters were... continue reading
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press , moderator David Gregory appeared to caution President Obama against aggressively confronting Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. Teeing up left-wing Daily Beast editor Tina Brown, Gregory declared: "Look, part of the Bush era that a lot of people recoiled against was the idea of talking tough and projecting American power as if some how feeling better about that makes the world better." [ Listen to the audio ] Brown replied: "Absolutely. I mean, there's no need to just go off and be bellicose. And then it's like, 'Now what?' Marco Rubio actually said,... continue reading
Appearing on NBC's Today on Monday, New Yorker magazine editor and former Washington Post Moscow correspondent David Remnick fretted that the United States lacked the moral authority to oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine: "The United States also does not have the leverage it wants in historical terms. Invading countries is something the United States knows about from really raw experience. And Russia knows that and asserts that day in and day out on Russian television all the time. That's a cost, too." [ Listen to the audio ] Moments earlier, co-host Savannah Guthrie excused the Obama administration's poor handling of... continue reading
The Associated Press and The Hill both reported on Noah Kai Newkirk shouting down the Supreme Court justices in their chamber, but ignored his far-left political affiliation. On Thursday, the wire service merely identified Newkirk's organization as " protest group 99Rise." Mario Trujilo of The Hill gave some a bit more information on Friday, but failed to disclose that 99Rise was founded by " a group of Los Angeles organizers active in Occupy " Wall Street. By contrast, Lawrence Hurley and Joan Biskupic of Reuters explicitly mentioned the protester's ideology and his organization's background in a Thursday report: Newkirk is... continue reading
Newly minted journalist Ronan Farrow was given the Cronkite Award for Excellence in Exploration and Journalism this week, but he seemed incapable of basic fact checking while interviewing Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. On Friday, Farrow allowed the pro-abortion Richards to get away with this whopper: " We are not a partisan organization. We're just looking to make sure that people in office respect women's health and rights." [MP3 audio here .] In reality, 100 percent of Planned Parenthood's political donations in 2014 have, so far, been to Democrats. In 2010 and 2012, that number was 99 percent. This hardly... continue reading
On Friday, the NBC, ABC, and CBS morning shows all happily touted a White-House-produced video of President Obama and Vice President Biden jogging through the executive mansion to promote the fourth anniversary of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign. This was the same week that the networks refused to cover an Obama administration report showing two-thirds of small business employees would see a spike in health care premiums under ObamaCare. [ Listen to the audio ] Introducing the video on NBC's Today , co-host Tamron Hall explained: "When the First Lady was on with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight... continue reading