On Monday, a liberal blogger revealed that Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.) spoke at a conference hosted by white supremacists in 2002 and the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks eagerly jumped on the story. Starting with Tuesday’s morning news shows, the “big three” have given 13 minutes and 7 seconds to Scalise’s 2002 speech with each network doing its best to push how it could hurt Republican efforts at reaching out to minority voters. After the networks gave 5 minutes 44 seconds to Scalise on Tuesday morning, the “big three” followed up with an additional 4 minutes and 48... continue reading
The first runners-up quotes in the MRC’s “ Best Notable Quotables of 2014: The Twenty-Seventh Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting ,” which this year we’ve dubbed the “Worst of the Worst.” As announced in a December 18 CyberAlert Special , the awards issue was posted, with videos, that day, and a category a day has been posted on our NewsBusters blog. ( All of the NewsBusters posts by Rich Noyes) Today the first runners-up quotes in 14 categories. The page linked above also has links for the text of the entire issue in MS Word or WordPerfect formats... continue reading
Between Monday night and Tuesday morning, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC covered the news that a golf outing by President Obama at a course in Hawaii forced a Army to move their wedding location after planning to have it on the 16th tee. While they covered the news, each network made sure their were plenty of laughs and golf-related puns throughout their 12 minutes and 4 seconds of coverage that included “golf diplomacy,” “no one was teed off,” and “the golf club owner really missed the fairway.” [MP3 audio here ; Video below] On Tuesday’s CBS This... continue reading
Is there a requirement for Republicans to host a show on MSNBC? Trash the GOP and you can anchor a program? Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele on Monday lectured his party about bigotry, wondering, "Is the Republican Party finally ready to confront the issue of race in America?" Filling in for Chris Matthews, Steele sneered, "In many respects, the party's clinging to an old Southern strategy that proved the basis for electoral success in the past but which gives them little chance of winning the White House in the future." Speaking for the GOP, the former Lieutenant Governor... continue reading
On December 29, Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.) admitted that he spoke at a convention of white supremacists in 2002 while serving as a Louisiana state legislator and the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks predictably had a field day with the story. On Tuesday, all three networks provided full reports on Congressman Scalise during their morning newscasts totaling 5 minutes 44 seconds. CBS News reporter Jan Crawford declared that “this comes as the GOP is really trying to burnish its image, reach out to African-Americans and other minorities and this obviously does not help.” CBS This Morning co-anchor Norah... continue reading
On Monday afternoon, CNN’s Wolf covered the controversy surrounding President Obama’s playing of golf on a Hawaii golf course that forced an Army couple about to be married there to move their wedding during which CNN’s Chris Moody called the optics of the move “hilariously bad.” Following a panel discussion on the 2016 presidential campaign, substitute host Brianna Keilar introduced the topic and after some background on what happened, Keilar and Time ’s Zeke Miller did their best to defend the President and the White House, pointing out that there was “no way that the President” or the White House... continue reading
On the most recent edition of Fox News Sunday , Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley blasted President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and activist/MSNBC host Al Sharpton for having “a vested interest in pushing a false narrative, which is that racism is an all-purpose explanation of what drives what's wrong in black America.” When asked by host Chris Wallace to explain why there remains a debate in the U.S. over race and the criminal justice system, Riley pointed out that the “the left has no interest in being post-racial” despite pretending to be in favor of it. [MP3 audio... continue reading
President Obama sat down with Steve Inskeep, host of NPR’s Morning Edition , for an interview that aired on Monday, December 29 and was repeatedly tossed softball questions from the lefty reporter throughout their conversation. Inskeep began the discussion by asking President Obama “since your party's defeat in the election, you have made two major executive actions — one on immigration, one on Cuba...Is there some way in which that election just passed has liberated you?” As the end-of-year interview progressed, the NPR host brought up the president’s recent executive action on immigration and used it as an opportunity to... continue reading
The winning quotes in the MRC’s “ Best Notable Quotables of 2014: The Twenty-Seventh Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting ,” which this year we’ve dubbed the “Worst of the Worst.” As announced in a December 18 CyberAlert Special , the awards issue was posted, with videos, that day, and a category a day has been posted on our NewsBusters blog. ( All of the NewsBusters posts by Rich Noyes) Today and tomorrow the MRC.org’s BiasAlert and corresponding CyberAlert e-mail newsletter will run the winning quotes followed by the top runners-up in 14 categories. The page linked above also... continue reading
With Christmas three days away, one liberal atheist took to the far-left website Salon to dismiss the existence of a “war on Christmas” spotlighted annually by conservatives and news pundits, led by the Fox News Channel’s (FNC) Bill O’Reilly. At the same time, however, the author seemed perfectly fine waging war on Christmas himself, claiming that Jesus Christ never existed and wondered if “anyone” would “truly mourn the holiday if we did without it.” In a piece entitled “Let’s Make Bill O’Reilly’s Head Explode: We Desperately Need a War on Christmas Lies,” Atlantic magazine contributing editor Jeffrey Tayler began by... continue reading