A day after President Obama finally reacted to the Veteran's Affair scandal after weeks of silence, NBC's Today could only manage a couple news briefs on the development, totaling forty-seven seconds. Meanwhile, the morning show devoted one minute and nineteen seconds to First Daughter Malia Obama learning to drive this summer. ABC's Good Morning America at least provided a full report on the VA scandal, but edited out any criticism of Obama. On Wednesday's World News , correspondent Jim Avila included a soundbite from a family member of a veteran who died waiting for care who accused the President of... continue reading
Wednesday's World News on ABC minimized any sense of the Obama administration's responsibility in the ongoing V.A. scandal, and spent the least amount of air time on the issue among the Big Three networks' evening newscasts following President Obama's morning press conference. The program actually aired segments on pickpocketing and custom mobile homes than lasted about a half a minute longer each than their report on the scandal. Diane Sawyer spotlighted how the President " weighed in – talking tough and talking action " on the " growing outrage over veterans hospitals ." Jim Avila's May 21 story noted how... continue reading
Carol Costello and her two clerical guests slammed " climate change deniers " on Wednesday morning's CNN Newsroom . Costello pointed out a recent sarcastic tweet by Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak on the climate change issue that " sparked a firestorm ," and spotlighted how "religious leaders are more than concerned about statements like that. They're now battling climate change deniers on moral grounds ." The anchor turned to Reverend Mitchell Hescox of the Evangelical Environmental Network and CNN religion commentator Father Edward Beck as her one-sided panel on the topic, and accused the "deniers" of not only... continue reading
During a panel discussion on her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Wednesday, host Andrea Mitchell wondered why President Obama chose to make a statement on the Veteran's Affairs scandal without having any significant reforms to announce: "Why send the President out to say something about the VA when he's not ready to take bolder action?" [ Listen to the audio ] Chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd acknowledged: "Well, this was an attempt, I think, to stop the political bleeding that was taking place....that this has become a political problem for the White House. The... continue reading
Appearing on FNC’s Outnumbered , on Wednesday, the outspoken actress Stacey Dash called out the President for not keeping his campaign promise to veterans and also took a shot at his signature accomplishment ObamaCare. First up Dash questioned Barack Obama’s commitment to veterans when she noted that when he was Senator he “missed 19 out of 37” veterans affairs committee meetings and slammed “he was told in 2008 this was a problem” and “he did nothing about it!” Then Dash really lowered the boom when she made the obvious connection to ObamaCare. The following was aired on the May 21... continue reading
World News anchor Diane Sawyer, who once summarized Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign by connecting the Democrat to Jesus Christ, has landed the exclusive first interview as the potential 2016 candidate promotes her book, Hard Choices . Sawyer will talk to Clinton for a one-hour special airing on June 9. According to Politico , the former Secretary of State will also appear on the same day's World News and live on the June 10 Good Morning America. A look back at Sawyer's reporting on Clinton reason reveals the reason she was chosen. On June 4, 2008 , as the politician's presidential... continue reading
Frustrated by the Justice Department’s stonewalling of its IRS scandal investigation, the House Oversight Committee, on Tuesday, sent a subpeona to Attorney General Eric Holder but you wouldn’t know that if you got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks. The news that committee chairman Darrell Issa sent the subpoena to Holder, after a Justice Department official in charge of election crimes refused to testify about his role in the IRS scandal, went unreported on the Big Three’s Tuesday night and Wednesday morning programs. On Tuesday the Washington Examiner reported the following: “The committee wants Richard Pilger,... continue reading
NBC and CBS on Wednesday hyped a win by Senator Mitch McConnell as an example of a major setback to the Tea Party movement. But it was only ABC's Good Morning America that highlighted the "big loss" suffered by Bill and Hillary Clinton as their candidate went down to defeat. CBS This Morning co-anchor Charlie Rose lectured, "Tea Party backers are reeling this morning from primary election results in six states." [MP3 audio here .] He added, "Tea Party favorites lost in all of the most important Republican races heading into the November midterms." The journalist trumpeted, "...A CBS News... continue reading
In a report for Tuesday's NBC Nightly News , political director Chuck Todd offered an obituary for the Tea Party based on a handful of expected primary losses and sympathized with Democrats hoping for weak Republican candidates in November: "Democrats are watching this Tea Party fade with disappointment....They were counting on a few bad Tea Party nominees to bail them out of a race or two, and as you can see, that might not happen this year." [ Listen to the audio ] Throughout the segment, Todd gave his assessment of the "struggles" for the Tea Party: "[Kentucky Senator Mitch]... continue reading
NBC Nightly News is at it again, trying to scare its audience about the impending dangers of climate change. Following two reports in early May , the Tuesday, May 20 Nightly News hyped how there’s “a new warning about some iconic American treasures including the threat to Lady Liberty herself.” Fill-in host Lester Host introduced the segment by declaring that our “American treasures... might one day be something we read about in history books rather than places we visit.” Holt then turned to Anne Thompson, NBC’s chief environmental affairs correspondent, to fret that “some of the sites that tell the... continue reading