Continuing his creepy infatuation with Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday, NBC Today weatherman Al Roker expressed his tongue-in-cheek jealously over new Late Night host Seth Meyers getting Biden as a guest the night before: "I'm a little upset about this....We have been begging Vice President Joe Biden to come on our program. He's right across the street. He was right across the I'm gonna have to redouble my efforts." [Listen to the audio]
After noting the long-running "bromance" between Roker and Biden,
fellow 9 a.m. co-host Natalie Morales pleaded: "He went there for Seth,
why couldn't he do this for you? This is Al asking, Mr. Biden, Mr. Vice
President." Moments later, co-host Willie Geist turned to Roker and
observed: "You're wounded by this. This really hurts." Roker replied, "I am," and pretended to start crying.
Morales comforted him: "Some day, some day, Al. You just keep asking,
it'll happen, okay? We just keep putting it out there....We will work on
it, Al, it's gonna happen."
Roker has had a year-long obsession with Biden and been on a crusade to get the Vice President to co-host the Today show:
NBC's Al Roker Yells Like a Groupie at Obama and Biden During Inaugural Parade
NBC's Al Roker Pals Around With Biden, Jokes About Their 'Bromance'
After Biden's Latest Gaffe, NBC's Roker Again Implores VP to Co-Host 'Today' Show
Infatuated Al Roker Obsessed With Getting Joe Biden to Co-Host 'Today'
Roker's Biden love took a particularly disturbing turn when the weatherman described how he wanted to wrap himself up as a Christmas gift for the Vice President.
Here is a transcript of the February 25 exchange:
WILLIE GEIST: And the guests last night with Seth-
AL ROKER: I'm a little upset about this.
GEIST: Amy Poehler and Joe Biden.
ROKER: Amy Poehler and Vice President Joe Biden. We have been begging Vice President Joe Biden...
GEIST: And he was right there.
ROKER: come on our program. He's right across the street. He was right across the street.
GEIST: He may still be here somewhere.
HALL: But there was something keeping you from him, Secret Service, because they were all around the building.
ROKER: Well, they're constant – but that doesn't stop him because he just comes through.
HALL: That's right.
MORALES: They have a bromance.
HALL: They do.
ROKER: Yeah, but I just – now I'm gonna have to redouble my efforts.
MORALES: He went there for Seth, why couldn't he do this for you?
ROKER: Exactly, exactly.
MORALES: This is Al asking, Mr. Biden, Mr. Vice President.
GEIST: And I'm going to elevate your frustration and your jealously. Watch the chemistry here between Seth Meyers and the Vice President. It's just magic, it really is.
ROKER: Hold on, I've got to write a thank you note.
MORALES: Thank you.
ROKER [PRETENDING TO WRITE THANK YOU NOTE]: Dear, Mr. Vice President, thank you for blowing me off.
MORALES: We need the music. I'll pretend to play the piano.
GEIST: You're wounded by this. This really hurts.
ROKER: I am.
MORALES: Some day, some day, Al. You just keep asking, it'll happen, okay? We just keep putting it out there.
HALL: Well, the Vice President told Seth he's going back. He said, "Invite me back." So you've got to-
MORALES: Oh, get back. We will work on it, Al, it's gonna happen.
GEIST: Alright, guys, bring out the Vice President of the United States.
HALL: That would be awesome.