The View Crew: Stop Trying to Shame Hillary with Bill's Mistresses!

The women of The View are sick and tired of people using Bill Clinton’s mistresses to get in the way of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions.

At the top of Tuesday’s show Whoopi Goldberg introduced the topic: “You know, there’s a new book called The First Family Details: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents. And it claims that Bill Clinton has a mistress that visits the house so often that when Hillary is out of town, they see her and they have nicknamed her The Energizer.”

Guest host and former CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin led the charge against the rumors as she huffed: “You know I’m so tired of hearing about Bill Clinton’s sort of extracurricular activities. Because the bottom line is this is to shame Hillary. Right?” Sherri Shepherd didn’t care either: “I always see former President William F. Clinton, he always seems to be so in love with his wife.” As for Jenny McCarthy and guest host and star of American Pie Jason Biggs? Well they had more salacious takes on the whole affair.

Jenny McCarthy speculated: “Well maybe he has his girlfriends and she has her girlfriends, you never know. Maybe they have an arrangement.” Biggs’s observation didn’t even get past the censors as he wondered: “You know when I think Energizer, I think ‘keeps going, and going and going,’ but maybe this Energizer just keeps [censored].”

The following is the relevant transcript as it was aired on the July 22 edition of ABC’s The View:                  

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: You know, there’s a new book called The First Family Details: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents. And it claims that Bill Clinton has a mistress that visits the house so often that when Hillary is out of town, they see her and they have nicknamed her The Energizer. Now, this is apparently some a new book.

SHERRI SHEPHERD: Now this is the same - this person who wrote this book is the same person that broke it -- remember when those Secret Service Obama’s Secret Service hired prostitutes? This is the same guy that broke that story.

SUNNY HOSTIN, GUEST HOST: You know I’m so tired of hearing about Bill Clinton’s sort of extracurricular activities. Because the bottom line is this is to shame Hillary. Right?

SHEPHERD: Because she may be running for president.

HOSTIN: Because she may be running for president. And I think we should stop doing that. Why are we shaming women for the actions of their husbands?

SHEPHERD: But if it’s true?

HOSTIN: And it’s their private affair. I mean isn’t it? If she, if they have whatever agreement they have or if she knows about this or if she doesn’t know about this why is there a book about it?

SHEPHERD: I don’t know if it’s a private affair, if all the Secret Service got a nickname for your-

JENNY MCCARTHY: I’m sorry, my dog walker has a confidentiality agreement. The fact that these Secret Service-

SHEPHERD: It’s not the Secret Service. He, you know, I don’t know-

MCCARTHY: People are talking. It’s like I don’t get that!

HOSTIN: Do you think it’s appropriate for them to, for people to be writing?


HOSTIN: For somebody to write a book about it?

SHEPHERD: First of all, do you believe it? Because he may, I mean?


GOLDBERG: Here’s the question. Does it matter? Does it matter if you believe it? It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, because it’s been put out into the ether. Once you put it out there it’s out there...But, you know, you put something out there and it doesn’t even, you can’t un-ring it.

SHEPHERD: I always see former President William F. Clinton, he always seems to be so in love with his wife. And they’ve weathered so many storms together. So-

MCCARTHY: Well maybe he has his girlfriends and she has her girlfriends, you never know. Maybe they have an arrangement.

SHEPHERD: Now you putting stuff out there. Now you putting stuff out there.

JASON BIGGS, ACTOR: You know when I think Energizer, I think “keeps going, and going and going,” but maybe this Energizer just keeps [censored].

MCCARTHY: I think this woman has a red beret if you ask me.

GOLDBERG: I just, you know I feel bad for her. You know? I feel bad for her because you’re basically trying to make somebody feel bad.

MCCARTHY: They’re trying to shame her!

GOLDBERG: If you didn’t know, they want you to know that they know. But, you know what? No matter what you do, you can’t get between them. They are husband and wife. They have been married. And as you said, Sherri, they have weathered a whole bunch of stuff.

MCCARTHY: She’s standing by her man.

GOLDBERG: And, you know what? She may have really good reason to stand by her and he by her as well.

HOSTIN: And she’s done incredible work. She’s done incredible public service. And shouldn’t we talk about that as opposed to this?

GOLDBERG: And if she runs? Deal with it from that. Because you’re not running against Bill, honey. If she runs you gonna have to beat her on her own terms! Leave Bill out of it! Don’t nobody care!

SHEPHERD: What they’re pulling out now that people are thinking Hillary may run.

GOLDBERG: Well soon they’ll find out that Bill and Hillary and I have a threesome and a child! You know? That’s the next thing.