According to View co-host and 9/11 truther Rosie O'Donnell, a Muslim NFL player being penalized for praying after a touchdown is the kind of thing that "propels us to war." Talking to the other women of the show about Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah, Whoopi Goldberg wondered if Americans are "feeding into Muslim fear."
Somehow extrapolating from a single penalty in one football game, O'Donnell responded, "Yes. I think as a nation we are. I think that, you know, it propels us to war. You have to rally the country in order to bomb a country that did nothing to you and you need to rally them and so that's what I think that was." [MP3 audio here.] ISIS did "nothing" to us? (The NFL has since stated that Abdullah shouldn't have been flagged.) She added, "Anyone is allowed to represent their joy in whatever way possible for two minutes on a football field and I think it's anti-Muslim bias."
On September 24, the conspiracy theorist saw a "financial agenda" in the United States attacking Syria.
On September 12, 2006, O'Donnell angrily attacked then-co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck for mentioning "radical Islam." The liberal comedienne claimed, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have a separation of church and state."
On Tuesday, co-host Rosie Perez proclaimed, "I just don't believe that the Muslim community has its -- has been given its proper respect, its proper time on the media to show they do not agree with what's going on [with regard to ISIL]".
To see O'Donnell's most outrageous quotes, go here.
A partial transcript of the September 30 segment is below:
11:18 AM EDT
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: How about this? This is going to be shocking, but the NFL has yet another new controversy on its hands after last night's game. Chiefs player Husain Abdullah, a devout Muslim, was penalized for unsportsman like conduct for bowing in prayer after a big play. Now, players like Tim Tebow, you know, do the whole thing and the – [makes sign of the cross]. You know? And so why don't other people get penalized? Is this -- are we feeding into Muslim fear?
ROSIE O'DONNELL: Yes. I think as a nation we are. [ Applause ] I think that, you know, it propels us to war. You have to rally the country in order to bomb a country that did nothing to you and you need to rally them and so that's what I think that was. Anyone is allowed to represent their joy in whatever way possible for two minutes on a football field and I think it's anti-Muslim bias.
ROSIE PEREZ: I think it's also -- [ applause ] I think it brings up a larger issue just adding on to what you said. In the wake of ISIL and Iraq, Afghanistan and what have you, I just don't believe that the Muslim community has its -- has been given its proper respect, its proper time on the media to show they do not agree with what's going on. You know? And they'll just make a mention of it, like, "Muslim community says they do not agree. " That's it. But they don't give them the air time, they don't give them the print time that they deserve. And I think in America, it's the land of the free and the home of the brave and everyone's voice should be heard.