Appearing on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told host David Gregory that former President Bill Clinton had "embarrassed the nation" while in office. However, of the three network morning shows on Monday, only CBS This Morning mentioned the political headline. ABC's Good Morning America ignored it and even NBC's Today skipped the scoop from it's own network. [Listen to the audio]
On CBS This Morning,
fill-in co-host Anthony Mason told viewers: "As Hillary Clinton decides
her future, there are new signs that Republicans are targeting two
Clintons, not one. The Republican National Committee created a website
to sign up anti-Clinton voters. And 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt
Romney is taking a jab at former President Bill Clinton." A sound bite
followed of Romney's remarks.
NBC has made a habit of covering up it's own exclusive reporting when
the news is damaging to Democrats. In October of 2013, the network gave only a scant 21 seconds of coverage
to the stunning revelation that President Obama knew millions of
Americans would lose their existing health care plans under ObamaCare.
In May of 2013, NBC completely censored
reporting from it's own investigative correspondent that Obama Attorney
General Eric Holder personally approved an investigation into Fox News
reporter James Rosen.