Networks Ignore Bad News for ObamaCare One Week Before Enrollment Deadline

With only a week to go before ObamaCare's sign-up deadline, the networks ignored the law entirely on Monday evening even though the latest estimate has the administration one million sign-ups short of its revised goal.

As an earlier BiasAlert reported, the networks skipped the story on Monday morning as well. That continues their trend of shelving bad news for ObamaCare, including the low enrollment numbers among young people and the administration's latest delay that let many keep their current insurance plans that the White House once called "shoddy."

Despite no mention of ObamaCare, the NBC Nightly News carved out over two minutes for the current NCAA basketball tournament. Last week, CBS and ABC fawned over the President's tournament picks, calling it "Baracketology."

The networks have a whole have had a miserable track record in reporting bad news for ObamaCare this year. As the MRC reported, the NBC Nightly News has spent a measly one-third of one percent of its total air time on ObamaCare. Overall, the network evening news have devoted less than one percent of total air time to ObamaCare in 2014.