On Monday, the three network morning shows allocated 12 minutes 24
seconds to Saturday night's White House Correspondents' Dinner but only CBS This Morning
reported House Speaker John Boehner on Friday announcing a new
investigation into Benghazi – a news brief that totaled a mere 47
seconds. [Listen to the audio]
This Morning co-host Charlie Rose noted: "Both parties on
Capitol Hill are sniping over new a investigation of the deadly Benghazi
attack." After a soundbite of Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
discussing the scandal on Sunday's Face the Nation, Rose added:
"House Speaker John Boehner is calling for a new investigation based on
a White House memo released last week. Republicans say the document
proves the Obama administration tried to spin the attacks for political
gain." NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored the story on Monday.
The three morning shows devoted far more time to President Obama's stand-up comedy at the annual Correspondents' Dinner.
CBS White House correspondent Bill Plante proclaimed: "It's a
springtime ritual, where, for one night, the commander-in-chief becomes
comedian-in-chief." After Plante's report, Rose gushed about Obama's
performance: "I'm always reminded of how great his timing is." Fellow
co-host Gayle King chimed in: "Yes, he's good. He's good. It's very well
timed and the jokes are funny."
On Today,
national correspondent Peter Alexander declared: "The man behind
ObamaCare sprinkling in some self-deprecating humor with plenty of
political jabs."
Good Morning America was more focused on the fashion at the
D.C. event, with co-host Lara Spencer asking Elle Magazine's Joe Zee:
"What's the difference between a Hollywood red carpet and a Washington
red carpet?" Zee replied: "Well, when you talk about Washington, it
isn't Hollywood, so you still want that Hollywood glamour but it's about
restraint and refinement. I mean, there's not going to be a lot of
plunging necklines..."
Here is a full transcript of Rose's May 5 news brief on Benghazi:
7:13 AM ET
CHARLIE ROSE: Both parties on Capitol Hill are sniping over new a investigation of the deadly Benghazi attack. One Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Adam Schiff, says appointing a special committee will be, quote, "A colossal waste of time." Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told Face the Nation Sunday that the families of the four Americans killed deserve to know the truth.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Benghazi Battle; Lawmakers Clash Over New House Committee]
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM [R-SC]: So if we're playing politics with Benghazi, then we'll get burned. If our Democratic friends are shielding the administration and trying to protect them and if the administration tried to protect themselves, their reelection, because they couldn't stand the truth about Benghazi, then they'll get burned.
ROSE: House Speaker John Boehner is calling for a new investigation based on a White House memo released last week. Republicans say the document proves the Obama administration tried to spin the attacks for political gain.