NBC Today Show Co-Host Guthrie Marries a Clinton-Gore Operative

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is married to ABC News Washington correspondent Claire Shipman and now there’s another cozy media-Democratic political world power couple with the marriage, in Arizona over the weekend, of Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie to Clinton-Gore political operative Michael Feldman, founder of a Democratic PR/lobbying firm.

Guthrie was a White House correspondent for NBC News, covering President Obama, and co-host of MSNBC’s Daily Rundown, until heading north to New York City in 2011 to take a role on the Today show where she’s been co-hosting with Matt Lauer since mid-2012.

Feldman “is a Founding Partner and Managing Director of The Glover Park Group,” a “strategic communications firm” created in 2001 by out of work Clinton administration staffers, including Clinton White House Press Secretaries Dee Dee Myers and Joe Lockhart.

From Feldman’s Glover Park Group bio:

Over the course of eight years in the Clinton-Gore White House, Feldman served in various leadership roles on behalf of Vice President Gore, including senior advisor and traveling chief of staff. In this capacity, he managed the Vice President’s staff and implemented message and strategy throughout the 2000 campaign cycle. Feldman also served as one of the Clinton Administration’s chief liaisons to the United States Congress, providing advice and strategic counsel in order to forward the President’s congressional agenda.

Prior to joining the Clinton-Gore campaign in 1992, Feldman worked for the Senate Democratic Leadership as a legislative analyst in the Democratic Policy Committee and as a member of the Democratic floor staff for the Senate Majority Leader. In 1991, Feldman worked on the special election campaign of Senator Harris Wofford of Pennsylvania.

At the Glover Park Group, Feldman toils alongside Jennifer Loven, an 18-year AP veteran and the wire service’s chief White House correspondent in 2010 when she moved her liberal advocacy talents to the lobbying/PR firm.

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