Jorge Ramos Hits Hillary from the Left on Immigration: 'Do You Think You Have a Latino Problem?'

In an interview with Hillary Clinton aired Tuesday on his Fusion show America, anchor Jorge Ramos repeatedly pressed the potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate from the left on the ongoing illegal immigration crisis, demanding: "Do you think you have a Latino problem?...I'm saying it because recently you said about the Central American children coming to the United States that we have to send them back." [Watch the video after the jump]

After Clinton argued for only allowing children seeking legitimate asylum to stay, Ramos cited one of her possible 2016 rivals: "But if you deport them, Governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley said that if you send them back, you would send them back to certain death. Do you agree that if we deport some of these children that they're – it's a death sentence for them?"

Wrapping up the immigration portion of the exchange, Ramos declared: "I met some of them at the border and they say they would be killed if you send them back....Don't we have a responsibility if something happens to them? I mean, I think no government should be in the business of deporting endangered children."

Here are the questions Ramos put to Clinton on immigration during the July 29 interview:

> Do you think you have a Latino problem?

> Here's why I'm saying it because recently you said about the Central American children coming to the United States that we have to send them back.

> So you don't think we should send them back? Because you said just because a child gets across the border, that doesn't mean that the child gets to stay, that's what you said.

> So who would you deport?

> But if you deport them, Governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley said that if you send them back, you would send them back to certain death. Do you agree that if we deport some of these children that they're – it's a death sentence for them?

> So you don't agree with Governor O'Malley?

> Should we change the 2008 law for quick deportations?

> I met some of them at the border and they say they would be killed if you send them back.

> But don't we have a responsibility if something happens to them? I mean, I think no government should be in the business of deporting endangered children.