Immigration Officials Release Murderers, Sex Offenders and Drunk Drivers, Networks Ignore

On Monday the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reported that, according to Obama administration statics, immigration officials knowingly released convicted murderers, drunk drivers and sex offenders into the US back in 2013. So far none of the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have yet to report these stunning statistics.

According to the Washington Times “Among the 36,000 immigrants whom U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released from custody last year there were 116 with convictions for homicide, 43 for negligent manslaughter, 14 for voluntary manslaughter and one with a conviction classified by ICE as ‘homicide-willful kill-public official-gun.’”

The Washington Times’ Stephen Dinan went on to quote CIS policy studies director Jessica Vaughan: “We keep hearing from the administration that they are focused like a laser on enforcement against the worst of the worst, convicted criminals, as their top priority. On the other hand, they are releasing, at a rate of about 100 a day, aliens from their custody with criminal convictions, and many of them are serious criminal convictions.”

Despite the accusation made by Republican Congressman Lamar Smith that “this would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president” the startling statistics have yet to be reported on any of the evening or morning shows on ABC, CBS and NBC.