GOP Finds Only 67% of ObamaCare Enrollees Paid First Premium; Networks Ignore

House Republicans determined that just two-thirds of ObamaCare enrollees paid their first month's premium in the federal marketplace, but the broadcast networks ignored their finding on Thursday evening, though FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier ran a full story. If true, the report would drastically undercut the White House's number of ObamaCare enrollees.

A report by the House Energy and Commerce Committee found that, according to data from all insurance providers, "only 67 percent of individuals and families that had selected a health plan in the federally facilitated marketplace had paid their first month’s premium and therefore completed the enrollment process."

In addition, the data showed only 25 percent of young adults – age 18 to 34 – were paid enrollees, far less than the 40 percent goal that the administration set and that experts said was needed for the law to work.

Yet the networks ignored this massive new claim that ObamaCare is not working as the White House says it is, and that the administration's enrollment figure is significantly higher than the actual number of ObamaCare enrollees.

Instead ABC's World News reported on the "tantalizing fashion frontier" of space suits that humans possibly could wear on a Mars colony.