Liberal anchor Ed Schultz on Monday finally admitted that his ObamaCare prediction from last December was wrong. On December 11, 2013, the Ed Show host prognosticated, "[ObamaCare enrollment is] going to hit five million by March 1st...Five million people signed up by March 1st. Get your tapes rolling at home folks 'cause it's going to be a big 'I told you so.'"
On Monday, he conceded, "You know, I've got to apologize...I said some months ago that it was going to be five million people by March 1 and the Washington Post really took issue with that and I apologize tonight." It was the Post's Erik Wemple who first noted the failed prediction and the attempts to cover up the botched claim. The anchor then lashed out at the paper. [MP3 audio here.]
He snarled, "I know the Washington Post never really held anybody accountable for the Iraq war, all those billions of dollars in predictions and all that stuff."
Schultz was likely angry because the Post noted that on March 12, 2014, he retroactively revised the claim. The different versions are below:
ED SCHULTZ: I'm going to make a prediction tonight. It's going to hit 5 million by March 1st. That's right. Five million people signed up by March 1st. Get your tapes rolling at home folks 'cause it's going to be a big "I told you so."
5:11pm ET
SCHULTZ: Well, I predicted five million people are going to sign up by the end of this month. We`re closing on it on that number.
A partial transcript of the March 24th segment is below:
ED SCHULTZ: You know, I've got to apologize. Hold it right there. I said some months ago that it was going to be five million people by March 1 and the Washington Post really took issue with that and I apologize tonight. There's another apology here. I missed it by 14 days. Damn. Close. I know the Washington Post never really held anybody accountable for the Iraq war, all those billions of dollars in predictions and all that stuff. But I missed it by 14 days. I apologize.