Five items today:
1) To the networks,
Binyamin Netanyahu is the Newt Gingrich of the Middle East, one scary
right-wing guy bent on ending "the peace process."
2) Bias has already
begun in coverage of Saturday's Children's Defense Fund march in
Washington as the media sanitize the real agenda and praise organizer
Marian Wright Edelman.
3) The liberal
commentator on 60 Minutes, Molly Ivins, has enlisted a former network
producer to write her commentaries.
4) KVI Radio has
fired talk show host Mike Siegel.
5) A little humor:
Howie Carr's "Top 10 List of Bill Clinton's Stirring Military
Dan Rather opening the CBS Evening News Thursday night (May 30):
"Serious questions about the future of Middle East peace as Lebanese
terrorists attack an Israeli army convey and the Israeli government
appears headed for a major shift to the hard line right."
Thursday night NBC also referred to the new
"right wing" government as ABC's Peter Jennings noted "the
Arab world and the United States will have to deal with a much more
conservative, much more religious Israeli establishment."
Two terms not heard in reference to the
"peace process" or Shimon Peres: "left wing" or
Saturday's children's march sponsored by Marian Wright Edelman's far-left
Children's Defense Fund has already generated glowing media coverage. On
the Thursday night CBS Evening News (May 30) reporter Wyatt Andrews began
a piece by noting the fear expressed by some teens at a youth center (of
gunfire, too adult little supervision) and how Edelman is solving the
problem: "But the fear they express, and the troubling state of kids
in general is the reason that this woman, Marian Wright Edelman has
convinced some 3,000 organizations and some 100,000 children to converge
on Washington this weekend for a march she calls Stand for Children."
After a soundbite of Edelman, a dismayed Andrews declared: "A massive
rally for children sounds like one of the least controversial ideas in
history, and yet conservative critics believe this march is just a
backdrop masking a liberal agenda." Following a soundbite from the
Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector, Andrews put on Edelman to say that
"It is not fair for government to take from poor children's nutrition
and child care and health care in order to not just balance the budget,
but in order to give a tax cut to the non-needy."
Nonetheless, Andrews concluded by dismissing the
real agenda: "Despite their politics their politics, they agree on
the problems. One in five children in poverty, almost one of every three
children born to an unwed mother, fifteen children every day killed with a
gun. So," returning to the youth center, "George, Alberto and
George's best friend, Alex Smith, will all march this Saturday."
The June 3 Time's lead story is headlined
"The Children's Crusade, A '60s-style campaign aims to put kids first
in this year's budget battles and the presidential race." The caption
on a photo of Edelman with kids: "Standing for Children." The
story concludes: "Politicians are not invited on Saturday, though.
They would only obscure what Edelman, a veteran of many marches, sees as
this event's main goal: to inspire the heady awareness -- found in the
civil rights campaigns and the antiwar movement -- that individuals can
change the world."
But the media are invited. MRC entertainment
division analyst Tom Johnson reports that NBC Today weather guy/CNBC talk
host Al Roker has appeared in MTV ads promoting the march.
Imagine a Christian Coalition march getting this
kind of free ride -- no mention of "extreme" views or ulterior
Speaking of this weekend, when you watch 60 Minutes keep in mind who is
writing what Molly Ivins mouths. Ivins is the liberal commentator each
Sunday opposite either P.J. O'Rourke or Stanley Crouch. Andy Rooney isn't
impressed with the writing in the new commentaries, Gail Shister reported
in the May 30 Philadelphia Inquirer. Rooney asserted that all three are
first-class writers, "but I don't think they know how to write for
TV," where "turning a quick, snappy phrase doesn't work."
Shister then reported: "Ivins agrees with Rooney and has enlisted the
help of her pal, Marilyn Schultz, a broadcast journalism professor at the
University of Texas and a former NBC producer." Back in the 1970s
Ivins was a New York Times reporter.
The fax newsletter Talk Daily reported that on Wednesday Fisher
Broadcasting, owner of Seattle's KVI Radio, fired talk show host Mike
Siegel. The host had been suspended a couple of weeks ago, about a month
after he allowed a caller to discuss allegations about homosexuality and
the Mayor of Seattle, an incident for which he apologized. If you'd like
more information on the controversy leading up to the firing, you can
contact Talk Daily at 703-522-6020 or e-mail publisher William Adams at:
Finally, on the risque but humorous side, in the wake of Clinton's
Soldiers and Sailors Act claim here's Boston Herald columnist/WRKO talk
show host Howie Carr's "Top 10 List of Bill Clinton's Stirring
Military Sayings" (from the May 26 Herald):
10. Don't fire until you see the
whites of her thighs.
9. Semper Fly.
8. From the halls of Montezuma to the whores of Tripoli.
7. One if by hand and two if by C cup.
6. I have nothing to offer you but blood, sweat and a higher-paying job at
the Arkansas Board of Tourism and Trade.
5. We have not yet begun to neck.
4. Give me liberty or give me a ...
3. I came, I saw, I did her.
2. You may harass when ready, Gridley.
1. I regret that I have but one wife to give for my country.
In my
next e-mail I'll provide the results of a survey which found most White
House reporters voted for the Democratic presidential candidate from 1976
to 1992
Brent Baker
