On Tuesday's Nightly News, NBC's Brian Williams outright
framed the Arizona bill protecting the religious freedom of business
owners as akin to segregation and Jim Crow laws. CBS and ABC at least
gave the supporters' view, reporting the fight as between religious
freedom and gay rights.
"Good evening," Williams began the news cast. "It's just one state out
of our 50, but tonight what's happening in Arizona is being compared by
some to the epic battles this nation has fought over lunch counters,
separate drinking fountains and restrooms."
[Video below. Audio here.]
In contrast, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley began the
story by giving both sides their desired titles: "The governor of
Arizona is feeling heat tonight over a controversial bill that pits
religious rights against the rights of gay Americans."
And ABC's Diane Sawyer stated, "And next tonight, we turn to the big
surprises today in that culture war underway in Arizona. The one that
pits religious liberty against equal rights for gay Americans."
However, the networks continued their overall bias against supporters
of the law. On Tuesday morning, NewsBusters noted that no supporter was
quoted in any of the morning news casts. In the evening that changed,
but opponents' soundbites still outnumbered supporters' seven to three.
NBC was the most biased, featuring four quotes from opponents and just
one from a supporter.
ABC couldn't even find a business owner supporting the bill, as Cecilia
Vega explained, "We tried to find business owners who would go on the
record in support of it. So far, we have not found one."
She did question a supporter from a Christian business network, but
pitched her this loaded question: "How is this any different than
refusing service to someone because of the color of their skin?"
Below is a transcript of the NBC segment:
NBC Nightly News
BRIAN WILLIAMS: Good evening. It's just one state out of our 50, but
tonight what's happening in Arizona is being compared by some to the
epic battles this nation has fought over lunch counters, separate
drinking fountains and restrooms. Arizona Republican governor Jan Brewer
tonight faces a hugely controversial decision, whether or not to veto a
piece of legislation. It would give business owners in Arizona the
right to refuse service to gays and lesbians. Or for that matter, to
anyone, based on their own religious beliefs. Both U.S. senators from
Arizona, both fellow Republicans, are urging the governor to veto the
bill along with big businesses there, like Apple and Marriott. And the
NFL is weighing in as Arizona is set to host the Super Bowl there next
year. It's where we begin tonight. NBC's Mike Taibbi is in Phoenix.
Mike, good evening.
MIKE TAIBBI: Good evening, Brian. Governor Brewer has just arrived back
in Arizona after a conference in Washington. But while she hasn't
tipped her hand yet, the momentum toward a veto is building fast.
(Video Clip)
TAIBBI: There have been daily protests over the Republican-passed bill
allowing businesses to refuse to serve anyone based on religious
beliefs. But gay rights activists say there's no question about the
targets of the bill.
ANGELA HUGHEY, One Community: This is absolutely about legalizing
discrimination. And it is so broadly based that it really can allow any
business to discriminate against anyone.
TAIBBI: It happened in Washington state, where a florist refused to
provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. And in Oregon, where a baker
wouldn't make a wedding cake for a similar couple. The other side,
Michael Salman of Harvest Christian Church, says the bill protects the
rights of any private business to serve whom they please.
MICHAEL SALMAN, Harvest Christian Church: If that person wants to refuse your money, he is in the business to do that.
TAIBBI: But there's been a ground swell of voices this week urging
Governor Brewer to veto the bill. Some notable names from her own party,
including John McCain and Mitt Romney, and a lot of corporate voices
including Apple and American Airlines concerned about a potentially
disastrous effect on the state's still fragile economy.
BARRY BROOME, Greater Phoenix Economic Council: We do think this would
cause significant harm to the state's reputation and to the business
TAIBBI: It's already threatened Ben Bethel's Clarendon hotel. Despite
his sign saying "We serve everyone." He said gay customers inquiring
about refunds and cancellations.
BEN BETHEL, owner, Clarendon Hotel: That would result in, I'd say about
12 to $14,000 in lost revenue to the hotel. And that itself results in
almost $2,000 in local and state sales tax revenues lost.
TAIBBI: But with the tide turning, even Republicans who supported and voted for the bill, like state senator Steve Pierce –
(On camera) You didn't think it was targeting the LGBT community?
STEVE PIERCE, Arizona state legislature: Not at all. No.
TAIBBI: – are now urging Brewer to veto it.
PIERCE: We made a mistake, and now we have got to fix it.
TAIBBI: If the governor doesn't sign or veto the bill by the end of the
week, it becomes law automatically. Still, this morning an aide to the
governor said that this bill was never part of her agenda, another hint
that a veto is likely. Brian?
WILLIAMS: Mike Taibbi starting us off from Phoenix tonight. Mike, thanks.